Friday, October 12, 2007

A Pinch To Grow An Inch

No need for any pinching of our little guy!! Jacob has grown an inch since he was born. He is now at 21-1/4" long and is in the 50th percentile based on his length. Mom has also been doing a great job feeding as Jacob has gained a pound since he has left the hospital and is ranked in the 25th percentile. The doctor and nurse both said that Jacob is doing great and is looking great as well. The jaundice is gone. The only concern that we had was the fact that Jacob's right eye keeps getting "goopy" and sometimes "crusty". We knew that this was a possibility as many know, infants tear ducts are functioning as well as they will and some help may be needed. So, we will be putting drops in at least one of his eyes for a few days. Hopefully, we can avoid the need for a washcloth, etc. to moisten the goo so that he can open his eyes (only happened once).

Jacob was getting pretty fussy from the ordeal at the doctors, but settled down immediately as we walked out the door to the stairs. Not a peep once we were in the car, so we took a longer route home just so mom could savor a few more moments of quiet before dad dropped them off and headed for work. A lunchtime report is that Jacob is really pooped and has been sleeping most of the morning and has somewhat forgotten about eating... The 1/2 hour visit must have been enough to wear him out for a while. Let's hope mom can and does take advantage of it while she can...

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