Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Registered At Last!!

I SURVIVED!!! How many guys are willing to admit that they not only went to register with their wife, but with his mother and mother-in-law?? The day went off without a hitch. The crew (4 of us) arrived at Babies R Us (yes, this is where we registered) shortly after 11 am. Good thinking by Amy to beat the rush even if it was on a Sunday proved to be a smart choice. Shortly after we were at the desk checking in, the line grew and grew! After a brief orientation (since we already pre-registered) and we were off!

Amy was ready to point and shoot the registering gun. She had been practicing for weeks with her crouching stance complete with pew, pew, pew sound effects (sorry, if you aren't getting the picture, but let's just say she was very excited and fun to watch practice). After about an hour and a half (working on the small stuff), it was time to get a bit to eat. We went and had lunch where Amy and I had our first date, On the Border. No margaritas this time... Then, it was back for round two!!

Unfortunately, the day we chose to register just happened to be one of the busiest days for registering as we found out from some workers. They were surprised at the number. What does this mean? You don't want to give up your gun and go get lunch. We ended up waiting an hour to get back to it. We used this time to look ahead and make some decisions so that we could just shoot around once we got the gun once again. This proved to be helpful, but the wait definitely slowed us down. After six hours, including lunch, the day was a success!

We are now registered and have items listed. You can reach the registry directly by clicking on the link from our blog on the left, or by going and ckicking on the registry. You can also reach the registry through Toys R Us. If you so desire, purchases can be made online or at a Babies R Us and/or Toys R Us store. We were told that there would be less of our choices available at Toys R Us. We were a little confused on some items that showed up on our registry as available online only. Just thought we would let you know you know that we registered at the store in Northville and everything we registered for was availabled in the store except for three items for the Dream Teddy collection. We are looking at potentially getting these items ourselves because there is a 5-7 week lead time and could cause some confusion.

Hope you have as much fun shopping as we did registering!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Half Way There !!

I have officially hit the half way mark in my pregnancy. Yeah!! Even more exciting....I'm feeling our sweet baby boy moving around !!! It's crazy and I love it. I think I felt him once a couple of weeks ago but it might have just been gas! :-) The doctor asked me if I had felt him yet and I told her no with a concerned tone of voice. She told me not to worry that I should start feeling him anyday now, and it's common for first timers not to really recognize the baby moving and mistake it for other things that could be going on in my pregnant body. There is no mistaking it now...he's on the move. I can't wait until Doug can put his hand on my belly and feel his son kick, but for now it's just him and me sharing this little secret and I have to say it is such a joy !!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Twist & Shout !!

The big appointment was finally here!! I have been so excited for this appt. I mean this was the full anatomy ultrasound!! We have been eagerly waiting to find out what we are gonna have and check out everything. Well, our baby boy is proving to be a little stubborn already (Doug says he gets that from me!). The ultrasound tech was not having much luck getting him to cooperate and show us everything we needed to check out. The baby was really moving around but wasn't in a good position and the ultrasound tech was losing hope. She was really jabbing me the wand trying to make the baby flip, but no success. There was so much jabbing I almost peed on myself!!! I was of course getting concerned and being a pregnant woman with hormones going crazy. started getting emotional, okay I was getting grumpy about it! I asked if there was anything I could do to make the baby move and jokingly shook my booty on the table to see if that might get the baby to roll over. She giggled but told me there really wasn't anything I could do to help the situation. So the ultrasound tech told me to go to the bathroom and relieve myself to see if that would help. The added room might give the baby more room and maybe would flip for us. I left, used the restroom and came back.....still no luck!!! The baby boy was just not wanting to work with his mommy and daddy and show the tech what she needed to see. I again asked if I could do a cartwheel or maybe a dance to help, but she replied the same as before. The tech told us to go back to the waiting room and let the ladies up front know that after we are done with the doctor to check and see if she was with a patient and if not she would allow us to come back to the ultrasound room and try again...the only other option was to make another appt to come back in a few days for the ultrasound. Doug and I did not want to have to do that!!!

I was pretty upset and just kept whining to Doug that I couldn't believe we had been waiting for this day and it just wasn't going like I wanted. Everything was irritating me and I'm pretty sure I was in turn irritating Doug! The doctor came in and checked things out, my blood pressure was a little higher than usual for me, but I think that could be expected with my anxiety getting the best of me from our ultrasound experience. This was the first time we met with this doctor and I was happy that she let me ask a ton of questions and never seemed uninterested. Even though most of what I was concerned is totally normal and expected, she took the time to explain to Doug and I why I was feeling the things I was feeling so I would feel okay about stuff and understand what the heck is going on with my body. I'm telling ya, I feel like I'm a science experiment and everyday it's something new!!!! The doctor checked out the heartbeat (my favorite part) and everything sounded great. So we left the doctor with flying colors and went out to the waiting room to find out if we could have a third chance at getting a good ultrasound of our baby boy.

I really wanted a good shot of the little wiener!!! I know the ultrasound tech said there wasn't anything I could do, but I refused to believe that so I did a twist and shout dance all the way through the hallways and definitely shook my booty making everyone laugh at me but I was gonna do whatever it took to get my baby boy to flip over so we could see his heart...and everything else too!!! Well, I am so pleased to say that my dancing worked !!!! He had totally rolled over and the ultrasound tech was so excited to be able to finally see everything and measure all of his limbs, check out his heart and all other major organs and yes, he showed mommy and daddy his wiener!!! We were SO happy !!! These doctors obviously don't know what kind of a dancer I am and how I can move my butt!!! It worked!!! We were able to get some great pictures to show everyone and even got a great shot that prompted the tech to write Hi Grandma!!! Those made special little additions to Mother's Day cards!!! Doug and I also will get a DVD of the ultrasound that will be ready to be picked up on Tuesday!! I'm very excited to get that and take it every where we go so we can be obnoxious expectant parents and make people watch the DVD. Just kidding!!! I guess I should rap this up, I tend to ramble on with my excitment!! I'm proud to announce that after a nerve wracking beginning, the entire appointment was extremely satisfying and I'm now having a blast shopping for our baby boy!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Verdict is IN!!

Thank you to those that voted in our poll for the gender of our baby. Surprisingly, it was not a close race with a boy running away with the lead capturing 25 of the 32 votes. Taking a way back second with 6 was a girl and one unfortunate soul didn’t have a clue. Were these results coincidence or did many have a great gut instinct? The official results are in and we are happy to announce that Amy is carrying our baby BOY!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Advice for the day!

If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children."

Thursday, May 3, 2007

First Camping Trip of the Year - April 2007

To celebrate and get away from life for a brief moment, we ventured to Davison for a night of camping last weekend. It would be our first camping trip of 2007. Not much effort was put into the trip as we packed a few clothes and enough wood for a little campfire, hooked up the camper and away we went. The jaunt was short and relaxing, but exactly what it was meant to be…

Since this was a relaxing and somewhat spontaneous trip, we did not pack much if any food and the grabbed a pizza at the local pizzeria, Sisters. Although we didn’t see anyone resembling sisters (all males), the pizza was surprisingly VERY tasty and will be on our list of possibilities if and when the need arises in the future.

Sunday came quick and it was time to pack up and head home. However, Amy desperately wanted to be one the water as we were not able to get in the water this trip. So, we strapped on the life vests and took a “little” stroll around on a paddle boat to get some sun and exercise. Feel free to check out a few more pictures from the trip in the links.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Things To Ponder...

1. You spend the first two years of a child's life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.

2. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own children.

3. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.

4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said.

5. The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.