Friday, November 30, 2007

Quite The Ladies Man...

After saying good bye to Danmar, a big hello was said to the twins (Amy's longtime friends Doug & Anita's children). Jacob was fed just before getting there. We showed up just in time for the twins to be fed... Guess we could have waited a few moments longer on feeding Jacob and it could have been one big feast for everyone!!! Well, no, not really, Jacob likes to eat on his own terms and we quickly choose to oblige.

After the twins were done eating, Jacob calculated his angle and quickly pursued. He knew it was only a matter of time that Hanna's brother Zach would be finished and be ready for bed. And so it happened... Upon Zach's departure for the crib, Jacob slid in and snuggled up to the "older woman" (okay, so 3-1/2 months, but almost twice his age at this point...). There wasn't much action as Hanna didn't seem to be interested in Jacob. She was taking the time to check out how her fingers and feet were doing... Better luck next time Jacob!

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