Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Formula Status

The new formula has now been used for about two days and Jacob seems to be a little better. He is still being fussy as it took a week to get to the point of pain and will probably take a little time to alleviate it. The latest report is that his "tooter" is working much better which will hopefully give him some quicker relief. You can also tell that he is feeling a little better because his cheeks aren't near as rosy as they were. So let's hope this new formula is allowing Jacob to be on the way to being a good baby once again!!!
Not sure if it has come up or not, but Jacob does has some baby acne or bumps like acne due to receiving blankets, etc. rubbing up against his cheeks. The pediatrician wasn't concerned with this as we were either... As long as you are there, you might as well ask.

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