Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where's The Ornaments?

Our Christmas tree is now set up and stands in the living room. However, it is looking a little different this year due to little hands. There are some ornaments missing from the lower branches... The ones that are there are definitely soft and fluffy so that little hands can pull them off and play with them and then put them back.

This year, we had a little help with getting the branches on the tree. We seemed to get less and less help as the tree grew and grew. I think the extra helper was getting a little initmidated by the height of the tree. While the tree was going up, we were able to catch a little bit of the new and improved "Jacob Jib". This still isn't Jacob going all out, but it definitely gives you a little chuckle at the "groove" Jacob has inherited from his mother.
Jacob is now really enjoying the new found stuff around the house and is fascinated by them. He was sure to blow on the lights on the tree because he was thinking they were hot and didn't want the tree to burn down. He is a little confused now as well as Frankie because their toys and/or bed has been rearranged. They are both adjusting well to their new environment though.

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