Tuesday, December 30, 2008

15 Month Well Baby Visit

The 15-month well baby visit is the first dr. appointment that Amy has not been to. It was very trying for her not to be there, but took in stride as she sent me to the dr. with her own laundry list of questions.
Everything went well with the doctor this time. Jacob weighed in at 22 pounds, 1 ounce (22nd - 23rd percentile) and 32 inches (75th percentile). We noticed that Jacob seemed to be having some growth spurts, but when you see him every day, you just don't really know if you are just thinking you are seeing the growth before your eyes or not. He went from the 50th to the 75th percentile in the past three months. He is similar (very slightly lower) in the weight category.
The doctor noticed Jacob's skin and how good it is now looking. We haven't been struggling near as much with it. Hopefully, it will continue to stay as good as it has been and get even better. With the winter dryness upon us, we will just have to wait and see. Jacob still isn't saying words consistently, but the doctor was not concerned with this. She isn't concerned because Jacob is definitely jibber jabbering and talking to us without saying anything and is saying words on occasion clearly and he knows what he is saying. He has pointed to Frankie as she was walking by and said doggy, says mommy and daddy on occasion, etc. We are working through trying to get Jacob off of baby food and onto non-baby food on a regular basis. There still is no concern, but something that we just need to keep working at.
Jacob was only scheduled to get one shot at this appointment, but the next one would have three. So, the doctor offered to move one of the shots ahead that she thought would be okay. I jumped at the chance to spread them out and also help out Jacob's mommy if she would be at the next appointment. It would save her from seeing at least one shot. I'm not sure Jacob was so pleased though, but he once again took them in stride for the most part...
Jacob is a healthy, active baby boy!!!

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