Saturday, August 23, 2008

If It Isn't Nailed Down...

If it isn't nailed down and it is the right height or at least good enough, Jacob is pushing it around the house. It can be a toy that you are supposed to walk behind (which frustrates him when it stops because he hasn't figured out to turn it yet), a toy that rolls and it just works out that way or a chair from the dining area getting pushed from there into the kitchen and toys that are the right height that just works and goes across the floor. He certainly is beginning to like walking/cruising more and more all of the time. I think sometimes he forgets that he doesn't know how to walk and cops a squat and then starts crawling to his destination. OOooohhh how the world inside our house is going to change once he figures out how to walk unaided... This is going to be some great times!!! :D!!!

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