Sunday, July 12, 2009

A weekend of camping started off pretty well. I was able to get loaded and ready to go earlier in the day. Frankie and I headed out a little before noon for the trek northward. We were there lickety split and had everything set up and ready for company by 4!!

Where’s the company? Where’s the rest of the family? Where? Where? Where? After a number of texts and phone calls Amy and Jacob arrived around 8:15 which wasn’t too bad considering they had to deal with I-75 being closed due to a rollover accident. This was only about 45 minutes later than anticipated. Unfortunately, Amy’s mom and step dad had a few more troubles because they left a little later and had another traffic jam to deal with, but everyone got there safe and sound eventually.
The weekend was pretty laid back and relaxing as we hung out around the campsite and ventured to the beach. Although, Jacob was ready to head home as he went to bed really late and then was up early without much of a nap. Great fun was had by all.

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