Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 Months And Counting

There is only two months left until Jacob turns two. He is definitely still a growing boy as it seems like in the last week he hit another growth spurt. It is so strange to go in and get him out of bed one day and then the next day it seems like he grew a foot and gained 50 pounds. This obviously isn't the case, but sometimes I think it just hits you that he is getting bigger.
On his 22-month birthday, he almost headed to the doctor for a quick visit. Jacob has been having issues with his eczema lately and has really flared up at times. On Sunday, we actually considered calling the doctor on Monday for them to look at him. Fortunately, the issue resolved itself with some cooling off and relaxing. Today, Amy received a phone call from school because Jacob's arms and back really broke out in a rash, so Amy headed off to pick him up and take him to the doctor. By the time she got there to pick him up, the rash had gone away. The rash never bothered Jacob which was good and it was gone by the time Amy got there, so we aren't going to worry about it and just keep an eye on him. Amy did give him an oatmeal bath to help with the "itchies". Amy already talked to a pharmacist yesterday to see if there was anything they would suggest and we are pretty much doing everything we can (I also talked to a pharmacist on Sunday, but not as in depth as Amy did as the issues weren't as bad at that point).
As Jacob grows closer to his 2nd birthday, we are starting to see tantrums. Okay, so it was only one last night, but it did last a little while and we found that he definitely has a good pair of lungs. After he settled down, we did get our way as we stayed in the dining area to eat and he did eat his dinner.
Jacob is steadily getting a bigger appetite which means eating more. The bowls of cereal that we have been feeding him in the morning are now in need of either overflowing or getting bigger. The last few mornings have resulted in Jacob asking me to feed him more. Guess we will need to go with a bigger bowl...

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