Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jacob's Present - 18 Months Old...

Okay, so we didn't really get Jacob a present specially for his 18 month birthday. However, we did get him an outdoor climber at the same time he turned 18 months. So why not just say it is for his birthday. For those of us with fall/winter birthdays, you know that you don't get any spring/summer stuff and the Easter bunny isn't as rich as Santa Claus... ;)!

With my new found free time (my plans failed and Amy and Jacob's got better...), I have found some time to edit the video of this week's project. The project entails putting Jacob's present together. ***Side bar*** I actually had to leave Jacob's dr. appt. early to go pick it up before the place closed since Amy had it set aside. Whew! Just made it before the doors close. Why was it tight? The dr. had to put stitches in a 3-year old. I left at 5:15 and Amy and Jacob didn't get out of a 3:30 appt until 5:45. I actually had to leave before the dr. was done at Amy's pushing... Pretty unusual for this practice to be that late, but if and when we ever needed the immediate attention for stitches, etc. it is nice to know that we would be a priority and would be taken care of. Let's just hope that we never need to find out for sure...

Anyway, so here's the video. (trying out some new editing skills and will keep tyring new things... "somebody stop me!" With my free time, maybe I will try and do another video from a month or so ago of another familiy project. Don't hold your breath though because there wasn't much footage of that fun.

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