Friday, March 27, 2009

18 month's sure goes by fast!!

My baby boy is growing up so fast! He has gone from boobie, to bottle, to big boy cup! He had his 18 month doctor's appt and made a great impression. We met with Jacob's favorite doctor so he was busy the first part of the appt flirting and showing off all his talents. The doctor couldn't stop smiling and remarking about how happy and cute Jacob was. Tell me something I don't know!!! We were assured that Jacob is developing right on schedule and is doing great! His stats are 32 inches long and he weighs in at a whooping 23 pounds and 7 ounces. The doctor did her exam and Jacob seemed to take it all in stride. Everything checked out great. We were told that Jacob has some fluid in both ears but there was no sign of infection so it's just something we will check on again in a month. We discussed the best way to break Jacob of his pacifiers for that will be our next challenge. He seems to have gotten pretty attached and we feel it's a good time to address that so it's not an issue a few months from now. Then came the dreaded vaccinations. Luckily Jacob only needed one shot! At his last appt daddy was smart and took advantage of being able to get a vaccination and we were told that it was a little too soon for another, so Jacob will get that in a month when we go back to check his ears. So the doctor's appt went very well and Jacob was a shining star!!

In just the last couple of weeks Jacob has become quiet a chatter box! I have no idea where he gets that from. HA! His vocabulary now includes Ma Ma, Da Da, Ellen (we watch The Ellen Show everynight and he loves it), yucky, wee, no, dog, duck, ball, bubble, cheese, fish, and apple. Along with his verbal communication Jacob also knows the signs for thank you, please, cookie, bird, eat and more. I'm currently working on "I love you". It's so adorable....he's almost got it!! He is just so darn smart and cute. I just can't believe it's already been 18 months! People always warn you that time goes by too fast and that babies grow up so fast.....they're right!
Every day is a precious gift!!!

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