Friday, November 28, 2008

A Chip Off The 'Ol Block

During the Holidays, we headed up to Grandma G.'s for a family gathering. We were hanging out at the table while Jacob was cruising around the house looking for things he would like to play with. He stumbled across Grandma's phone which happens to be cordless in the living room. Lately, Jacob has been very much a go getter and giver of things to just about anyone. So, Jacob came over to me and handed me the phone.
Jacob asked to get up on my lap as the phone was on the table. It wasn't long before Jacob hand the phone in his little hands and was punching buttons. There were a lot of 3's and 6's being pressed. There was no way this call would go through if "Talk" was ever pushed, so no bothers were to be had. Then, all of a sudden the phone rang and no one was there, so we hung it up. A few seconds later, I answered it and said, "Hello." With this I heard on the other end "911 Emergency, we just received a call from this number and there was a hang up. Is everything okay?" The little stinker called 911!!! Of course, now that daddy had the phone that he so desperately wanted, he was crying while I was trying to hear what the 911 operator was discussing like who am I speaking with, who called and why...
After the phone call and things settled down a bit, we now get the story of the phone and how Grandma remembered and didn't know how or if the emergency feature worked. Well, let me tell you, Jacob knows... ;)! Apparently, Grandma's base and cordless handset all have a button that you can push regardless of how many numbers have already been pushed and 911 is called directly. Needless to say, that phone was put up and out of reach of little fingers.
Chip, you ask? Well, when Jacob's daddy was pretty little, but old enough to talk, his mother went out to get the mail and wasn't gone very long. Upon her return, Jacob's daddy was saying fire dept., fire dept. into the phone. Jacob's Grandma was like, there is no way you called the fire dept., but did listen to the phone and sure enough, the fire dept. was one the phone with which she promptly hung up the phone.
I guess looks aren't everything that Jacob has off his daddy's...

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