Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep...

The largest topic of discussion while at the doctor yesterday was Jacob's sleeping habits. This means how he gets to sleep, stays asleep and waking up in the middle of the night. Amy spilled her guts as to what was going on and the doctor kept nodding her head and just listened so that she could take it all in. Jacob was a little tired so I wasn't completely paying attention to this part as I was digging through the diaper bag for some entertainment for Jacob. However, when the doctor started talking, I started listening... ;)! Amy even made a comment that this part may have been the only reason why I was going to the doctor with her... So, the doctor basically started with her "information" and noted that she would break it down a bit.

Part I - The doctor started off by calling Amy, well me too, but focused on Amy as an "enabler" for Jacob. With all of the training that Amy has had for her degree, she knows all too well what she meant when she said it. This all by no means an attack or in any way shape or form an attack on what Amy has been doing as she was doing it for her love for Jacob. Basically, Amy was enabling Jacob to keep her up (and me) while it was time to go to bed or during the middle of the night. Amy and I have gotten into a routine for putting Jacob to bed which has been great, except for the part that I have kept to myself for the most part. This is the fact that he should be groggy and not completely asleep when he gets put down and if he wakes up, don't pick him up. Amy isn't the only guilty of this, but has guilted me into her trap as well. We had actually already tried the cry it out method (there is actually a more technically name, but it just gives credit to whoever wrote the book of common knowledge...) the night before we went to the doctor. Jacob cried for about 40 - 45 minutes or so with me going in and comforting him twice. This wasn't easy to do, which is why I was the only one that made the trek up the stairs. Amy was convinced that she would pick Jacob up and therefore nullifying any progress we may have made. This gave me much relief because I thought it was going to be more like 3 hours of crying making it much more difficult to keep Amy at bay.

After getting advice from the doctor which only allowed us to hone our skills, we adjusted our routine a bit, but then put Jacob down and walked away. To our amazement, he only cried for out 3, maybe 4 minutes and was fast asleep. This may have also been a result of getting the shots and not really getting enough sleep during the day, so he just crashed.

Part II - This is where Amy and I were unsure what we should do. Jacob has been waking up in the middle of the night usually between 2 and 3 because he is hungry, or this is how we perceived it. Jacob would basically inhale at least 5 ounces and usually 6 while still going strong and could probably take more. On occasion, Jacob would take advantage of this and stay awake which generally means keeping Amy awake. He would not be fussy, but would enjoy this socialization time as we found out. We didn't do this last night because I am working and Amy had school today, but tonight we will not be feeding Jacob in the middle of the night and will only console and reassure him that we are there for him, but he needs to sleep. Again, this may mean some more sleepless time, but it will be short term pain for long term gain.

So, based on part II, it will be just that much more important that we and those that care for him while we are not around go for the formula first when Jacob is hungry and then feeding the solids. Jacob will no longer be feeding in the middle of the night and needs to step up his intake during the day... Doctor's orders... :D!!

With only two days of the change in routine/direction for bedtime, Amy already feels more relaxed and relieved about it. I know she hasn't wanted to take the roll of "tough love" with Jacob and this matter for quite some time, but she is already reaping the benefits. Our doctor is eagerly waiting to hear at the one year appointment how much better we all feel since we are ALL getting sleep. Amy has since made the comment that we are going back in a month and that she can't wait to tell her about it then...

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