Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

Jacob and the family headed out bright and early for the Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade. After the parade finally got going and the sirens of the emergency vehicles were going off, Jacob wasn't sure about this parade thing. He was already just wanting to go back to sleep which didn't help and that stuff (sun) was always in his eyes. Jacob had a sense of concern about him as we watched the beginning of the parade.
Along came the Royal Oak High School Band. It wasn't long after Jacob heard them that he was gettin' jiggy with it! He was definitely into all of the bands that he was able to see. There was a very small bit of the traditional parade candy, but we didn't run after it this year. To my surprise, neither did the kids around us. Yes, it has been quite a few years since I was little and yearning for the candy, but based on my neice and nephew, the love for candy certainly hasn't subsided. I guess we were just in the boring kids section. Amy said that a 9:00 parade was just too early... Guess we'll see at the next parade we are able to attend.

By the end of the parade, Jacob was ready for some good grub (applesauce and cherries) and then a good long nap at home...

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