Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last Day Of Class..........This Semester...

Today was the last day of class for Amy this semester. With taking two finals on Tuesday and an exam and then her final in that class today, Amy is definitely ready to kick back and relax for a week. With everything else that has been going on in addition to our regular lives, Amy now has a cold and can't fully enjoy her accomplishment.

Do you remember Amy's first day of Algebra class and how the teacher wasn't very nice? Well, she stopped Amy today and noted how she was a pleasure to have in class. Her teacher really backed off of her initial assessment and realized how much Amy needed to go through to get to an 8 am class. Nothing says "In Your Face" more than getting an A in this class... Amy was very happy to receive this compliment.

Accomplishment you ask? The unofficial results of this term taking 15 credits is that Amy will have completed the semester with a whopping 4.00 GPA!!!! She'll find out the official results next Wednesday. In addition to the 4.00, can you believe that she scored a 100% on her final exam in algebra?!?!?!

After much discussion, Amy decided a couple of weeks ago that she will be partaking in commencement ceremony. In my opinion, I think the final straw was when she spoke to one of her former advisors when she said "Wouldn't it be nice to have a picture of you in your gown holding your son?" This hit home with Amy and the fact that she has been working very hard toward improving herself. How much better of an example of focusing your energies toward a goal than becoming pregnant, having a baby and completing school all at the same time. You can't set a better example...

So, in addition to the commencement ceremony, Amy has also been invited to attend an honors convocation for those graduates with a 3.50 or higher. After this semester, Amy's overall GPA will be a 3.9+!!! Jacob and I are very proud of Amy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go amy .sound you did a great job . good job girl. helen