Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Jacob celebrated his 1st Mother's Day by waking up his mommy at 8:45 with a card and present. We would havfe let her sleep, but we had plans of going to see his grandma for an earlier lunch. With the cold and wet weather, we weren't able to enjoy the day as much as we would have liked. Amy decided that being with her son was more important than going to her internship. Today was the first weekend day in quite a while that we have all been together all day.
The day has gone by way too fast. Jacob is still fighting a cold and we think that he might also be working on some more teeth. We have been passing Jacob back and forth hoping that he won't get bored with just one of us and keep him calm. Unfortunately, with the events of the weekend, he hasn't been able to get his much needed naps which we think is contributing to his mood. Even when he is at his worst, we can still manage to get some big smiles and good giggles, so he is definitely trying to be happy, but just isn't feeling well... We are hoping to get him to bed early (being worked on as I type this...) so that he can get tons of rest. Tomorrow is the first day of the last semester Amy will have for her Associates degree... Biology starts bright and early at 8:00 am and gets done at 2:15 pm.

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