Achy breaky tooth may be a better name for a song... This is the theme in our house... The past few days Jacob has been more uncomfortable than he has ever been and didn't even appear at times to be his usual self. Well, this wasn't 24/7, but definitely way more than it should ever be. Teething tablets, orajel and baby Tylenol would help, but were not the answer.
While seeing grandma more than usual this week and seeing the look on his face, etc. grandma mentioned yesterday that we should take him to the doctor because she thought he had an ear infection. We weren't concerned and kept a close eye on him as we knew how he has been, but began watching him closer. Amy has heard stories as to how parents would think the "mood" was thought to be just teething and it was something more. Jacob was at his grandma's this morning for a little bit and when Amy returned to pick him up, grandma said he was tugging at his ears. On the way home a little later, Jacob's mom called the doctor and got him in early this afternoon.
Symptoms of Jacob were fussiness, chewing on his gums, screaming, tugging his ears, breaking out, scratching his head, sleeplessness and throwing up as the biggest symptoms. The doctor checked Jacob out and found his ears and everything to be okay and that Jacob is just having a worse than average time with teething. Jacob is just so uncomfortable that he is just doing whatever he can to try and ease the pain. We have been feeling something different and can his gum changing color and texture, etc. The doctor thinks Jacob will have a tooth within a week with a few others follwing right behind them. Bottom line is that Jacob is fine which is good news. We also found out that we can now give Jacob Baby Motrin and that it is actually preferred because it lasts longer the Tylenol
Other discussion with the doctor led to how Jacob has been crawling for a couple of weeks and really moving around and how Amy thought Jacob would be sleeping better. The doctor questioned "Crawling?" Babies we found don't usually start crawling until nine months and the doctor wouldn't have thought too much of if it was eight months, but was pretty shocked that he was so active at seven months and really less than that. After discussing how Jacob's big toes are getting scuffed, etc. the doctor said, "Yep, he's crawling". Jacob's not yet on all fours, but he definitely has picked up speed. I guess I never got my belly off the floor either, but Jacob is starting to show signs of getting himself up. Amy didn't get a height, but Jacob is now 18#, 8oz.
Okay, so one more topic came up as well and Amy admitted that the doctor got on her a little bit. The funny thing is that I had just mentioned this, but about a different part of the day and Jacob's grandma also brought up how she spends her day. My comment was how Jacob is "playing us" and knows that he is fine, but fusses just so he gets picked up. Grandma mentioned that her day is spent bouncing Jacob around in her arms and that I should close my ears. I guess I didn't realize how accurate my statement really was until I got the call about Jacob from Amy. The doctor told Amy to quit going to Jacob's side during the night so quickly. I didn't think either one of us were, especially when it wasn't more than two hours after he ate at night, but I guess she/we have. He definitely doesn't get picked up right away and usually just gets pats on the back to soothe him, but I guess it is time to hear more of Jacob at night.