What Will He Come Up With Next?
I was correct in thinking earlier that Amy wouldn't believe me that we needed to lower Jacob's crib this weekend. Although we won't be doing it this weekend, it definitely won't be very much in the future. She did make the comment that we will need to baby proof the first floor because he is definitely on the move. It was pretty fun to watch him last night turning himself in circles. He would do 2 or 3 spins and take a break and then go at it again as he was searching the room for where he was going to go next. There is some development towards crawling as well, but we should be safe from that for another week at least, but you never know... My guess is that we are probably closer to a month, but some things just happen over night... ;)! Sorry we didn't get any video, but as soon as we would get it out, he would stop! He can be a little stinker already!
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