Monday, April 14, 2008

Phone Call: Can You Hear Me Now?

A recent conversation went like this on our cell phones:

Doug: "Hello"
Amy: "Jacob called"
Doug: "Okay, Jacob who?"
Amy: "Your son, Jacob"
Doug thinking - This doesn't make any sense. Jacob can't call, he's too young. Did he get his mother's phone off the couch or floor and somehow figure out how to open it and pushed a button? Oh, but wait, Amy was on the other end when I answered the phone...
Doug: "How did Jacob call?"
Amy: "He went across the floor"
Doug thinking - Yeah, so then he must have gotten the phone and dialed somehow, but refer to earlier thought...
Doug: "Yeah, so he went across the floor, but how did he call?"
Amy: "He went left, right, left and moved!!"
Doug: "Huh?"
Doug thinking - Ding, ding, ding, ding!
Doug: "Oh, you meant crawl, not call!!!!" LOL ROFLMAO!!!!

Jacob is now using another method of getting around the house, and we can really say around the house now. Guess we really should have babyproofed the house last weekend, but we didn't... Jacob was scooting around and doing his circles and then got his back legs under him and crawled/pushed off for a few steps. His mother was right there watching him and when he started, she jumped up and was screaming with happiness, surprise and congratulations!! With this, poor little Jacob stopped, looked at his mother for a brief moment and started crying... Jacob's silly mother obviously scared the bejeezus out of him!!! He was consoled and then the phone call transpired.

Later in the phone call...
Amy: "Jacob hasn't crawled since and it was just that one time"
Doug: "No kidding, you scared the crap out of him and he is probably afraid to..."
Poor kid, makes a monumental step in his development and his mother scares the life out of him with her excitement... At this rate, he'll never want to walk... ;)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi doug and amy . this is so funny . i email to melissa . helen