Thursday, February 5, 2009

Checking In...

I guess it is about time to post something since it has been a while. We haven’t really been up to too much as Jacob has been having a challenging time. He had been running a fever in the low 101’s on and off for a few days, but that has since passed. Two of his molars are in the process of coming in on the top. He has not been a happy camper at times because of this. He has been chewing on his fingers and a few other things to try and console himself. He has also remembered about his passy and has been using it more often lately. We can’t blame him and left it up to him as to when he wants or doesn’t want it. Although he is using it, he is definitely not obsessive over it.

Jacob is still in his picky eating stage. The menu at school rotates every other week, so what he may have eaten all of last time, doesn’t mean he will eat it this time. For instance, pizza would fall into this category. He scarfed it down the first time, but didn’t want it at all a couple days ago. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to be eating as much jar food as he used to. We are trying to fill him up with good food first, but then usually settle for animal crackers and luck charms to fill his belly.

The latest change for Jacob is that we are starting to wean him off of his night time bottle. Since it has been a challenge to get him to eat a good dinner, we have decided (okay, so Amy just started doing it and it worked…) to do what we can with dinner and then feed Jacob yogurt for a bedtime snack. So far, he seems to really like it and is okay with the change in his diet. We also try giving him milk in a sippy cup to drink at his discretion at night and he seems to be sucking that down as well before going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a Cute 16month picture. growing so fast.

Hope you have some new teeth Jacob so you can feel better.

Love Grandma