Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pointing - A New Found Talent

Jacob has found his finger and how to point within a day or two. We could definitely tell he has been pointing with his fingers and has become much more prevalent lately. It is pretty entertaining as he grunts and points at item, but at the same time a little frustrating because we don’t understand why. He is and has been pretty interested in ceilings and lights on them. We do know of at least a couple of other children that have this infatuation, so it could be normal... Anyway, back to the new finding, Jacob is now using a single finger to point things out and he seems to be pretty happy about it. We started really working with him, showing him how we point. It took a little bit, but all of a sudden you could see his fingers being folded a little more all of the time. He has now perfected it when he remembers how to do it. There are other movements that are becoming more “grown up” as well as time goes on. Just little things like bending in places that bending didn’t happen before, etc.

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