After going to Playaway in the morning and running an errand, Jacob and I decided not to be stuck at home while momma was at work. So, we grabbed a sippy cup and some snacks and we were off to the zoo.
The zoo definitely looked like it was busy earlier in the day as there were cars parked along the service drive and all over the place in the parking structure. Never fear, we were looking for a spot higher up anyway so that we could take the cross walk/ramp over anyway. We didn't need to worry about momma getting car sick from going around and around either... ;)!

Jacob was chilled and ready for the animals. The first stop was to see the turtles and the fake alligator/crocodile... Yes, this is also where the snakes are too, but I didn't think we would approach those today. Jacob wanted right out of the wagon to go see the turtles and was right up against the glass. He studied the turtles for a while and then they started moving more and right at/in front of him, so he was ready to get out of there. Around the corner there were more turtles that were further away and down (sort of like from a bridge) and he was then talking up a storm and feeling pretty good. The second set of turtles was all it took for Jacob to want to get his picture taken on one. He wasn't happy that he needed to get right back off because there were other passerbys that also want to get their picture taken with the turtle.

Dinsosauria is at the zoo right now. It just recently opened so we stopped by to start checking it out. The dinosaur you see here had some moving parts. Jacob didn't really seem to notice as he really noticed the dinosaur sounds coming from a speaker behind me. Needless to say, we left shortly thereafter.
Along our venture around the zoo we saw a number of peacocks, but this one was probably the closest to us. Jacob was intrigued by the beauty of this bird. He was also annoyed with the kids that were getting in his way and really stared them down.
Jacob was a very good boy at the zoo, so I decided to let him out where there were a bunch of birds and ducks in the water. I also figured he would start getting a little antsy, so we walked together with the wagon in tow.
It wasn't far up the trail where there were some bubbles coming out of a building. So, we had to stop and get some. Of course, by the time I decided to get the camera out, the novelty wore off. Oh well, we'll just have to make sure we stop by there the next time.
Since Jacob was such a good boy and was fine with leaving the animals behind, I decided that he earned the chance to play at the playground for a while. This was a quick trip to the zoo that took a lot out of both of us...
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