Memorial Weekend - Part I
Jacob must have definitely turned on his charm this weekend. Syd's soccer team seemed to hover around him between games. He was giving the girls 5, dancing and playing ball with them while they were relaxing between games. We here that he has been informally dubbed the Swarm's team mascot. I'm sure he doens't really understand what this all means or entails, but I'm sure he will have a smile on his face while he is doing his duties.
Amy and I definitley know now that Jacob relates soccer fields to Sydney. We pulled into the soccer fields for the second day and he started calling out "nid nee" as he knew that he would be seeing her soon... and he was right of course...
On the way to the fields the second day, we were passed/tailgated by a friend of ours. He was frantically trying to get to the fields before the game was over. Not sure if he made it to see any of the game, but I think he must have seen a few minutes of it. We kept a look out for him all day and finally found him as his son was playing their last game (championship) of the day. So, we watched a total of almost 5 games of soccer in a day and a half...
How did Syd's team do? They were 3-0 going into the championship game. They had beat their opponent during their first game 4-1 and went into the game feeling confident. It was a hard fought game the whole way, but they ended up losing 1-0.
The family definitely got a lot of sun during the games and Jacob is now sporting a nice tan. As for Amy and I, we got a little more and I am peeling as Amy is turning tan...
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