Big stuff going on in the house and no time to even turn the computer on as things were moved, cleaned, painted and still in the process of being completed. I finally gave in to one of Amy's long time requests in changing things in the house. Many other of her lower priority changes were done, but her number one has now almost been completed. Jacob was away during most of the obnoxious messiness. Upon Jacob's return, he decided that he would check out the lamp on the floor and get into a new box of stuff. Right along with getting some styrofoam stuck on his head. He was a little taken back with the new room as there was no furniture and no toys for him to check out. He did, however, realize that he is now tall enough to pull himself up and look out the window.
While Jacob was away at his grandpa and grandma's, he was also able to go for a boat ride while grandpa let him take the wheel. Our sources say that Jacob just wanted to go in circles... ;)!
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