Colton Turns 7!

The day would not be complete for Colton with out the presence of Star Wars. Grandpa Randy with his creativitiy and talent transformed the sugary and moist treat into a life sized light saber. Colton wasn't disappointed he couldn't play with this one though because he enjoyed eating it just the same. The cake was secure as many of the Star Wars characters surrounded the cake with their vigilant watch. These characters were even able to ward off the watchful and curiousity filled eyes of Jacob. Jacob was not able to break through the force field of the mighty jedi. (okay, so maybe I am not a Star Wars geek, so please give me a little room for at least trying... It has been probably almost 30 years since I have seen Star Wars). Oh, I forgot to mention that Chuck E. came out in person to lead the singing of Chuck E. Cheese's version of Happy Birthday...

After the cutting and eating of the cake, it was time for Colton to open his presents. It has yet to be confirmed why, but he went for ours first. He definitely knew we brought it for him, but we aren't sure whether or not he knew what it was. He did ask Amy if it was what he asked for or not and Amy just simply answered, "Maybe." Let's hope he enjoys/is enjoying our gift. We will have to ask him next week if he liked/still likes it.
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