Sunday, February 18, 2007

The First Doctor Appointment!!

We had our first doctor appointment on Friday, 2/16/2007 and everything is okay!! According to the doctor everything looks good, in place and is going well. The ultrasound tech was out due to an emergency surgery, but the doctor did do a quick ultrasound on her own to check things. We were able to see the heart beat and see that there really is life growing inside of me. All of the nausea, exhaustion and pains, etc. is unfortunately just a part of being pregnant so the doctor says... We visited with the doctor in her office before the examinations took place. The doctor asked "So, how are you feeling Amy?". I said "UUUggghh!" while sticking out my tongue. With which the doctor replied, "Good, that is what we like to hear" as she was grinning from ear to ear. Easy for her to say so I thought. It did help me to settle down and realize that she knows what she is talking about as I viewed the picture of her three children. We were sent home with some goodies and a feeling of success that everything is going well and is on track to a healthy baby. That's all there is to report until our next appointment (ultrasound follow-up) on Wednesday the 21st.

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