Baby’s First Picture!
Today’s doctor visit was another success. We had a follow-up visit from last Friday so that the ultrasound technician could do a more thorough check of the baby’s size, heartbeat, pictures, etc. We are happy to have found that the baby is still fine and the size is where it needs to be for 8 weeks and 2 days along. Basically, this means that the due date of October 2nd is still good. We were also able to hear the baby’s heartbeat today for the first time. That is pretty darn cool if you ask us! I’m not a doctor, so maybe the volume was set at a good level, but the heart beat seemed to be strong to us. For those who are taking notes and keeping score in attempting to determine the sex of our baby, the heart rate was 174 beats per minute. Our next appointment is scheduled for March 19th upon which Amy will be almost 12 weeks pregnant.

1 comment:
Congradulation Doug and Amy. Let me know how fast the time passes from the birthday to shipping your baby off to college.
I know Doug you'll make a great father. Amy, I don't know you, but if you are with Doug I'm sure you'll be a great mother. Good Health to you both.
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