Team Grandpa Gaynier

As most of you know our family participated in a very worthy cause extremely close to our hearts. Doug's dad, Ray Gaynier was taken from his loved ones way too soon due to Pancreatic Cancer. Last Saturday we walked in the First Annual Purple Stride fundraising event in his honor! Never being able to have met my father-in-law, I felt very privileged to take part in this wonderful event. It was truely an honor....and a great day!!!!
The morning started off early. Way early!!! Check in started at 7am and we knew it would be packed. The Detroit Zoo was hosting two large events that day, our walk as well as an Adopt a Pet day so we knew we wanted to get there early. Doug and Jacob stepped to the side of the crowd while I stood in line to get us all checked in. I kept my boys in my sight though and had many giggles watching people walk by them and smile, or stop to chat. See, Jacob was sitting in his wagon which we hand decorated with signs that read "Grandpa Gaynier," balloons, and purple and white crepe paper. Jacob looked adorable as he sat proudly in his PurpleStride float!!
I got us all checked in, Doug and Jacob ended up having to push through the crowd to claim there own tickets but overall it went pretty smoothly. We were a little annoyed with how the incentive prizes were handled but this was their first walk so glitches were expected. I was pleasantly surprised at the actual set up of the event and all the fun stuff they had organized. There was a station for face know I had to get a purple ribbon put on my cheek!! They had a food tent, stocked with coffee, water, donuts, granola bars and snacks! They had a very cool Memory Board, where Doug was able to proudly put his dads name with a little note from his family that we love and miss him!! They also had a station where they gave out small signs to pin on ourselves to indicate who we were walking in honor of. They also gave away purple braclets and ribbons for everyone to wear. I was very impressed!! We even got a few extras to give to Grandma!!
We wondered around and collected our t-shirts and tried to avoid some of the crowd. Unfortunately this caused us to be too far away to really hear the opening ceremonies but it was clear when it was time to start walking!! We slowly made our way to the start line and proudly began our journey to the sound of cheerleaders rooting us on! (As a retired cheerleader this got me very excited!)
It was a really beautiful day, the weather was fantastic and we totally enjoyed following our destinated path through the zoo!! Jacob was a super good boy and alot of the animals were out so it really was alot of fun. We proudly made our way to the finish line where we were greeted again with the cheerleaders!!! We did it!!! We did it for Grandpa Gaynier!!!
As luck would have it, we had a front row spot for the closing ceremonies where we were able to nosh on some pizza and listen to the channel 7 sportscaster. He was very inspiring. It was fantastic to hear the amount of people who had just participated and most importantly the amount of money raised. I am so proud to say that we contributed to the phenomenal fundraising total of over $200,000. Way to go!! Closing ceremonies also included a raffle. They were giving away GREAT prizes. One of which was tickets to a Lions game.....Jacob's ticket was about 30 off....could you imagine if we had won!!!!
After the official event was finished we were feeling so delighted that we decided to spend a little more time at the zoo. Many of you will remember Anyssa, the young lady that lived with us for a while. She was a volunteer at this event and it was really fantastic to see her again. She joined us as we ventured back into the zoo and spent alot of time just visiting, laughing and playing with Jacob. It was truely wonderful to spend time with Anyssa again!
Doug and I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragment for our family. We really do appreciate all the donations we received from our family and friends. Our little 3 person team was thrilled to have raised well over $600. This was a great event and a delightful day. The Pancreatic Cancer Network did a fantastic job organizing this event and we can't wait for next year!! I know that Grandpa Gaynier was watching us from heaven with his heart full of love and pride! We love you Grandpa Gaynier and miss you. We will continue to hold your grace close to our hearts every day!
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