Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!!

Move over Chef Ramsey, Jacob is sharpening his culinary talents in his new kitchen. He has been watching his mommy, daddy and Chef Grandpa Randy for months and is now practicing everything he knows. Let's take a look at how it all began.

Here we find Jacob checking out all of the spaghetti of parts all over the floor. Notice Frankie in the back snooping around for Jacob's delicacies...
Jacob is seen here rethinking the new project/endeavor for the weekend.
Jacob is checking the instructions for backup. He didn't think this project should be taking so long... He was anxious to try out a new recipe he came up with and was a little skeptical at his dad's methods...

After determining dad, along with some of mommy's help, Jacob determined he was okay with how the progress was proceeding. He also determined that he might be able to save daddy some time if he sat on his lap and helped things along. Wouldn't ya' know it? It really did help get the project done even faster.Jacob's kitchen is now open for business. Who will be his first victim, uh um, guinea pig, uh um... customer... ;)

Hey! Leave me alone. Taste testing here!!! Get it!! You donut stealing animal cracker grabbing meat eater!! How was that for rivaling Gordon?!?! All kidding aside!! Tastes great!!

Disclaimer: No ovens, mixers, stoves, etc. were used by any children in the making of this blog. The chocolate donut depicted in the picture above was purchased by mommy and was only used as a prop to certifiy the authenticity of this entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so funny doug , make my day.