Check me out in my colors... Today was color day at school. The colors for the event were blue and white, so of course, Jacob’s mother felt the need to be sure that he dressed the part. This was definitely a photo op, so we are sharing the experience with you (woohoo, big experience, eh? ;)!) 
Evidently, there have been more theme days that we weren’t aware of. Amy did notice one day that all of the kids were in pajamas which she thought was somewhat strange. She didn’t think too much of it. Yesterday, there was a note on the back of the daily note sent home that they noticed Jacob’s mail box was getting full and wanted to remind us that we need to check it/remind us that there is one for Jacob. Yep, Amy forgot about it and when she checked, low and behold, there was a bunch of stuff in it. Menus, books, magazines and their newspaper. There was also a notice about bringing in a blanket and pillow which I guess was suggested on a questionnaire/survey that was given to the families. Probably before Jacob was enrolled… When we enrolled, we were told that they provided it and then they asked us to bring one in a couple weeks after he started. So now some things are starting to make sense!
Jacob is excited about going to school on color day!!!
Poor Jacob! Yes, you're momma dresses you funny, but at least you match... :D!

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