Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Adjusting Well
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10:17 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Jacob finally got to play with kids his age outside of school this past weekend. We headed west so that Jacob could play with the twins, Zach and Hannah. They had a ball with each other. We hope that we can get them together a little sooner than the last time, but everyone is busy, so we will have to wait and see what we can do.
A special note of the night (even though we forgot to bring Jacob's chair) was that of Jacob sitting and eating like a big boy. This is the first time that he really enjoyed chowing his dinner and it wasn't baby food!! He had mac n cheese along with cheesy hot dogs. Saturday night was somewhat of a turning point for as he is now at least a little more willing to try to eat non-baby food. It has been hit and miss, but we haven't needed to keep pulling jars out of the cupboard. He has also been eating more of the school lunch too!!
***Mommy Note: Jacob's sweatshirt that he was wearing got dirty during dinner. The onesie that he is wearing was only for warmth and not looks... LOL!
Editor's Note: You may want to be sure that you don't have anything going on because this video is close to six minutes long (it might 5-1/2, but I don't remember...)
Posted by
8:02 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sledding Time!
The sledding didn't last a real long time because of the cold and quite frankly, me being out of shap for dragging a sled around in 15" of snow. Jacob seemed to have fun although I don't think he was too sure about daddy's navigation skills through the footsteps. I tried shortening this up as much as possible, but got to a point to just end the video editing and post it...
Posted by
10:19 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009
School Routine
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10:55 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yackity Yack Yack
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8:57 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Yeah!!!! We Found Jacob!!
Jacob attended school for the first time this week on Friday. It was a pretty rough day, but Amy checked in (called) on him fairly often. He was pretty fussy, but was consolable so we didn't go pick him up. School was like starting over again.
Jacob is somewhat back to being himself today. He definitely happier than he has been in quite a while. We have seen sustained giggles, smiles and dancing. He is, however, a little hoarse as he has been coughing a fair amount. This has caused some coughing up of things, but nothing like we dealt with earlier in the week.
Posted by
10:36 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It's A Toss Up!
Posted by
9:22 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Jacob Vs. The Flu - Round II
Posted by
9:14 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
First Week Complete
Posted by
9:03 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Couple Of Rough Days, But Getting Better!
Jacob started off yesterday a little tired and clingy at home. He took his bottle well along with some cereal before he was loaded up for school.
Jacob was apprehensive about his mommy leaving him as his favorite teacher was not there. It was a rough day for Jacob and Amy made a number of calls hoping that things were getting better. He was pretty upset most of the day, but was very happy to see his mommy when she went to pick him up. He was VERY happy once he got home even if he was a little tired.
Today's drop off wan't much better, but Jacob's favorite teacher was there which made Amy feel much better. Amy could hear him screaming down the hall as she was leaving. The school called Amy later to let her know that he did calm down relatively quickly and that he was having a much better day. He went for a walk outside in the morning and then a buggy ride in the afternoon. Jacob's teachers asked/commented about him liking to be outside and we concurred. After all, he still gets excited when Frankie needs to go outside, even if he isn't really outside, he at least gets some fresh air.
Jacob ate better today, but didn't sleep much. He only slept for about 45 minutes, so he was ready for bed when he got home. We fed him and Amy gave him a bath and he was ready for bed early. We tried keeping him up a little longer, but decided just to put him to bed early and he is now and has been sleeping soundly. Fortunately, going to school has tuckered him out and hasn't been fighting sleeping.
Posted by
8:32 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
First Day Of School
Jacob was dropped off in the infant room to Miss Kenisha whom Jacob met while we were touring and signing up. He was a little apprehensive at first so she backed off and then took him after a bit. Amy got Jacob's belongings settled and said goodbye to Jacob. He wimpered a bit, but then was okay. Amy did a couple more things and then looked in the window before she headed off to work. She saw Jacob sitting on Miss Kenisha's lap reading a book and was content. It didn't help keep the tears from falling, so Amy quickly headed to the car and settled herself before heading off to work.
Jacob did really well today and Amy only called the school four times. I'm sure this isn't even close to the record of calls for a first day though... The first call found Jacob to be very clingy to Miss Kenisha, but he was doing fine. By lunch time, he was getting pretty tired and wimpered a bit because he didn't have his passy and apparently they couldn't find it and found a new one in their stash and immediately went to sleep.
Amy went to pick Jacob up tonight and found him in the infant room (this is the gathering place when the workers are coming and going). He was playing with some toys and looked up and gave him mommy a big smile and continued playing and pointing to something, so he was obviously enjoying his first day at school.
Jacob was very happy when he arrived home, but also was very tired. So, we were able to get him back into his routine from before and putting him to bed at 8 pm. It was a little rough for him to go to sleep, but his sleep training has been getting easier and easier.
So, the first day of school went well for everyone and I am sure Jacob will be looking forward to another day away...
Posted by
8:49 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Poop Story
Amy tells me to pick Jacob up from the tub so she can clean out the poopy water and refill it with fresh water. Tomorrow is a big day for Jacob and she hasn't even gotten to washing his hair yet! So, I picked him up and stood him on his towel and proceeded to clean his bottom. While Amy was still cleaning the tub, Jacob decided he wasn't done yet. So, there was more cleaning for me. Jacob was just as happy as could be just standing there naked, wet and pooping like a free bird. He decided to take a few steps away and was far enough so that he was off of the towel and now on the tile. I had cleaned up the towel, so that was done. Jacob now decided (like he has a choice at this point), to drop another pile. I quickly covered it with some tp. It wasn't much longer and the pile got bigger. Amy and I gave the little guy a couple more minutes to be sure he was finished. The knee pad was still next to the tub and Jacob would look at each of us wondering if he should/could climb in the tub. Just as Amy and I were laughing at this whole situation and definitely enjoying the humor in it Jacob decided he also needed to pee so we just giggled some more as we just watched our son freely pee all over the knee pad. I still had tp in my hand as a backup plan and did some covering. Jacob was then placed back in the tub and the bathy calmly continued!
Although it was a little gross the humor in the situation can't be denied and it will go into the books as our first "poop in the tub" story!!!
Posted by
9:34 PM
Go Away Poopies?
Tomorrow is Jacob's big debut at school. Big changes for everyone as it will be the first day of school for Jacob, first day of work for mommy away from Jacob and my first day back after being off for close to two weeks. Not to mention that I will now have to share the shower in the morning. This is something that I haven't had to do in well over a year. We are looking forward to working the kinks out and adjusting our morning schedules and agendas. I'm sure it will take a week or two for all of us to get into the swing of things and knowing what to expect, etc.
Posted by
6:39 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Warming Up!
Jacob was pretty tired by this time, so he clung to his daddy for a little bit and didn't want down. Before too long, I got on the floor so that he could see everything at his level. We weren't in the room that he was going to be in, but many many of the kids and teachers were not in today because of the holiday season. Jacob was able to play with one of the kids in his class and a teacher that he will have for a week or so. He was really warming up by the time we left and as I was putting my shoes on, he wanted to go back in to play.
Looks like Jacob will be ready for school on Monday. We have to get some things ready and labeled for his big debut, but we think this will be a good thing for everyone, even if Jacob's mommy will struggle with it at first... ;)!
Posted by
9:34 PM
A Poopy Time!
Posted by
9:15 PM