With it being a fall Sunday, Amy thought it would be good for all four of us to get out and go to a cider mill today. We have been talking about going to one of the bigger ones that have more to offer in regard to playing, etc. However, we didn't think Jacob would be old enough to enjoy himself to make the expediture worthwhile. So, we ventured off to a cider mill with limited stuff to do, but still way more than last week. Last weekend we went to the Franklin Cider Mill and this weekend we settled for Yates Cider Mill.

Upon arrival after once again fighting the stop and go traffic, we parked and walked in. We noticed a huge line, so I decided to head off a different way so that we could stop by the petting zoo. Amy went and got some goat grub and fed the goats while the lamas ventured around. Jacob was kinda okay with petting the goat once or twice, but wasn't sure about seeing the goat only inches from his face chowing down on the food. It didn't take long for the goats to devour the grain filled ice cream cone.

The line still looked long that we were able to see, so we headed over to let Jacob see the ponies. It wasn't long before we decided that we should try letting Jacob ride a pony. We were a little unsure about if he would want to do it or not because he didn't get much of a nap and he certainly was acting somewhat like he still needed it. We got in line and Amy held him while he took his first pony ride. He wasn't overly excited about the ride, but he did get to feeling a little more comfortable with them as time went on. About half way through the ride he found out what the horn on the saddle was.
Now for the big line... Well, actually, we found a shorter "express" line which basically meant that you didn't see the apples get squashed... We have all been there, done that so the faster, well sort of, line was fine with us. Before long, Amy had her cider, donuts and of course a caramel apple for Anyssa and herself.
Jacob had fun walking back and forth along the fence while grunting and pointing at the animals in the fence and the dogs as they went by. He even opted to go after the biggest dog he could find in the whole place. Emma was a very nice St. Bernard that allowed (more or less ignored) Jacob. He was pretty excited about it and the dog's owner was very nice and offered for Jacob to pet him.

When Jacob was done playing with all of the animals, we offered him a donut. It wasn't long before you could find Jacob devouring it. Eating one-handed didn't suffice, so he pulled the donut into two pieces and started eating two-fisted. You could really tell he was enjoying his donut. He might not be into eat a ton of different foods yet, but so far it seems we can count on him eating donuts.

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