When I leaned over to kiss the little guy good bye for the workday, he was HOT HOT HOT!!! He literally felt like a burner on high. I said to Amy, whoa, he's hot!! He was eating his bottle quite nicely, so Amy let Jacob finish his bottle and then tried taking his temperature. It didn't work too well under the arm, but the time that the thermometer spent under his arm, his temp was 100.3, but probably warmer. So, Amy gave him some Motrin.
After waiting 'til 7:30 or so, Amy tried calling the doctor figuring the she would just have to leave a message. To her surprise, some one answered. She noted that Jacob was sick and they started noting time to bring Jacob in during the late morning and afternoon and then Jacob's temp was noted and they said, well we have an opening at 8:30. So, of course, Amy took that one. Jacob was also breaking out more and we had already discussed the potential of calling the doctor anyway.
At first sight of Jacob, the doctor said, "Oh this baby is suffering, we need to find out what his making him sick." We did find that Jacob actually gained 5 ounces since last Tuesday, so that is good as he is getting a bigger appetite. Anyway, Jacob's ears were clear of fluid and didn't have any infection. His throat was VERY red, so they did a throat culture in the lab. Jacob wasn't the trooper he was at the prior visit as things were put in his mouth/throat. Fortunately, the cultures came back negative, so he doesn't have strep. Jacob basically has a virus that needs to take its course. We are giving him children's benadryl and motrin as needed.
Amy and Jacob needed to get his prescription for his skin at Costco today. So, they went and all the while everyone was saying that that baby certainly doesn't look like he is feeling well. When I got home from work, that is the first thing I said as well. Amy said it was the best he had looked all day, even though he still didn't look very well. He ended up eating a good dinner and then got a bath as the doctor said luke warm baths would really help Jacob. He definitely felt better after the bath, but you could still tell that he just wasn't himself. We just hung out until bedtime which was a little later because Dancing With The Stars was on and he loves dancing to the music.
Today was a rough day for Jacob, but with some TLC and a close eye he should be getting better as time goes on...