Picnic At Grandpa's!
Amy, Jacob, Anyssa and I packed up the family mobile and headed off to Ohio for a picnic with the family. Little did we know that it was going to take so long to get down there. We knew of one of the closures on I-75 and were okay with that. Little did we know that there was one more that we needed to deal with. Once close to the Ohio border, there was a major back up, so we got off the expressway and ventured around on some backroads. This was definitely a timesaver. How am I so confident you ask... Well, I started laughing once in Ohio and the vehicle that almost rear ended us going into another construction zone (Amy was wondering why I was so close to the barrels because I was allowing for the goof ball some room on the road in case he needed to swerve off, stupid Buckeye fan!!) flew by us once again even faster than he did the first time. Anyssa and Amy couldn't figure out what was going on because I started laughing out of nowhere and starting waving at the fool flying by. I guess I must have been pretty funny because they laughed at me for a while and then brought it up on the way home too! The normal time of an hour to get out of Michigan was almost two this time...
After finally getting down there we were greeted by many of the family and were relieved to have gotten there. We even had a surprise visit from Amy's Uncle David who drove in from Oklahoma with his son. It has been a few years since we saw him, so it was a nice surprise to see him.
Jacob enjoyed watching everyone play soccer and bag toss, baggo, tailgate toss, bean bag toss or whatever the case may be while gnawing on Abby's purse, etc. This was all under the watchful and protective hand of his Uncle Jerry. (Does anyone know what the official name of this game is? Maybe it doesn't have one so that is why you hear so many different ones...) Anyway, there was fierce competition going on... Last year's contenders were no match for Amy and Abby this year. They were on fire. I guess Amy's belly not being in the way this year may have had something to do with it... ;)!
Amongst the festivities, Grandma B. passed out frozen treats. Jacob picked the red to try not know what he was in for. We thought he might not like the popsicle since it would be cold, but he quickly grew to like it. First he would suck the flavor out and then bite off a chunk.
This might have been the first time Jacob has thought about his career choice when he grows up. We aren't sure if he was telling us he wants to be a plumber or a carpenter with his baby butt crack... :D!!!
Unfortunately, our timing wasn't as good as it has been for other trips. We usually try and time Jacob's naps so that we can still get to bed at a reasonable time. Well, this time Jacob was able to get enough sleep on the way home so that he could keep us up until after 11 since we didn't get home until 9 or so... Oh well, can't time everything the way you would like all of the time. At least he wasn't cranky when we were waiting to go to bed.
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