Another Day At The Beach
Jacob took a nap most of the way to gear up for the days events. After unloading the car and loading up the stroller, you could tell that Jacob knew what was going to happen next. Once those wheels hit the sand, you could hear him getting excited as he was breathing through his teeth and had a huge smile on his face. He just couldn't wait to get out of the stroller and into the dirt and water. Amy got him all covered in suntan lotion and then headed off to get changed. It wasn't long before Jacob was rolling in the dirt... literally... He was covered in sand by the time his mother got back. So, we headed out to the water even without his mother. Jacob walked right out into the water and plopped down a few feet in. He sat and played for a while. On another occasion Jacob sat in water almost to his shoulders. I don't think he thought this was the best idea, but he still liked it.
Jacob was all over the place today and just couldn't sit still. If he wasn't scootin' all over the blanket he was climbing onto the cooler so that he could get up onto the lounge chair. Looks like Jacob is definitely going to have a passion for the beach and hopefully he will continue to grow into loving the water as well. He has a great start!! He was FULL of smiles ALL day while were there. I'm sure he won't mind if we go back again...
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