Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
This will bring a tear to your eyes and a lump in your throat. THIS is one of the best examples I have seen to define the word... dedication. Wow!
A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?'. The father who, despite having a heart condition, says 'Yes'. They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together.' To which, his father said 'Yes' too.For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon run along the coast of the Big Island. Father and son went on to complete the race together.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Jacob Enjoys Camping!
Posted by
8:46 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Jacob Finds New Interest
Posted by
8:19 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
What Did Grandma Do?
Posted by
9:06 PM
Two Down, One To Go! AND Thank You!
Posted by
9:05 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Rainy Day Picnic In The Park
Jacob hung out with grandma for a little while so that he could get some much needed shut eye. Grandma might have snuck in a little too.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Internship Class Complete
Posted by
9:17 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Internship Hours Are Complete!
Posted by
7:50 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Jacob Is Pleasantly Plump!

Posted by
8:11 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Another Day At The Beach
Posted by
9:11 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tooth Count...
Posted by
5:14 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A Day At The Beach
We set up camp partly under a huge umbrella that is on the beach so that there was shade for Jacob and I and sun for Amy. It wasn't long before we were all in the shade, but it worked out okay anyway as the sun was no longer at it's strong point for Amy.
Jacob loved to walk in the water, but wasn't too sure about the covered floaty thing that he was able to sit in. The water was a little chilly and we basically got him right in it. He was definitely fine with kicking his feet in the water and splashing with his hands while sitting on one of us. There was also a lot of pleasure in walking in the water as well as long as it wasn't too deep.
First taste of sand for Jacob went okay with him, but not so much for his mother. No bothers though as he is definitely all boy. We have seen some inclination of actually getting off his belly and crawling and today was the day he decided to sport his new talent. Of course, it wasn't just for naught as he kept crawling over the cooler next to us so that he could chew on the strap. The sand was very exciting for Jacob as he was able to roll in the sand and wander all around. Even got to play in a little bit of mud while he got the sand all in his bathing suit...
The day was growing to a close as Jacob was getting tired and a growing number of people were staking their claim for the fireworks, we decided to pack up and head out for dinner. We went to Don Pablo's and had a great time with Jacob. He is generally good anyway (as long as the restaurant is timely...), but this time was the best ever. Of course, he was flirting with all of the waitresses and spent a lot of time checking out the sites. It probably helped too that he was fed right before we were and gave us a little more time. We were concerned that the 15 minute power nap wouldn't be effective as it wasn't the day before. Amy and I both told him how good of a boy he was at separate times so he will continue to be good and that he would be able to enjoy going out too as long as he is good... We'll see if the praise works in the future... ;)!
Posted by
9:51 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July Picnic
The first stop was Grandma G's house. It wasn't long before Jacob found a large drawer and figured out how to open it. He totally thought he had won the lottery because no one was telling him no and he was able to play with all of the plastic containers that were in it. After destroying his grandma's drawer and showing off his new moves on the patio door, we ventured off to a picnic.
We attended Jacob's first 4th of July picnic in style at Vicki and Phil's house. Jacob's fans from North Carolina were in town for their annual trip and we were able to catch up with them and see how much Spencer and Maddy had grown since Christmas. It didn't take long for Jacob to disappear off into the sunset to meet and see everyone there without his parent's. It's funny how we become "chopped liver" now that Jacob has come into our lives... LOL!!! I guess we have understood our new role in being 2nd and 3rd fiddle because it didn't even phase us when Joy said hi after speaking to Jacob for 5 minutes. (just kidding, we had fun with it...)
Joy was kind enough to get Jacob out for a few cart rides around the hood. Okay, so living in the middle of nowhere isn't the hood, but let's just pretend for now... No gangstas here!! Jacob needed a nap and Emma goes to sleep without much work (she went to sleep after a few rides) so off he went. I think this was more of something new for Jacob and he was taking in everything and even had to take a taste of the steering wheel. After taking a couple of rides, Amy was holding Jacob while the kids rearranged for the next ride so that they could see them off, but Jacob still was yearning for another ride. My guess is that Joy was taking it slow, but knowing Jacob, he wanted another ride like a big kid and going a lot faster. He'll just have to wait for another time when he is a little bigger to do that. Thanks Joy for trying to put him to sleep.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Happy 4th of July!!
Sorry, no firecracker picture of the little firecracker... yet! We were starting to take his 9 month photos instead. Will try and have one tomorrow or tonight...
Posted by
10:15 AM
Graduation Counter
Posted by
7:48 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep...
Posted by
8:36 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Dr. Appointment - 9 Months
Jacob weighed 20 pounds, 1 ounce and is 28-1/4 inches long. This puts him right on the average line for height and about as close as you can get without being on it for his weight (smidgen under). Jacob's ear is clear of infection, but does have a little fluid in it. The doctor assured us that this is completely normal and expected shortly after ending antiobiotics for the infection. Jacob is in great health and only has some annoying eczema at the moment. We hope that he will grow out of this soon and is just more annoying to us than anything. It sometimes can look pretty bad, but we just need to put stuff on him so it doesn't get worse.
Many questions were asked and answered. Most of the questions were to confirm what we were already thinking, planning on doing or have already started doing. Jacob will be expanding his repertoire in the realm of baby edibles as we can beginning feeding him baby foods that contain meat as well as other soft foods that we have already given him on occasion. (wedding cake frosting, mashed potatoes, applesauce and whatever else Grandma P. has snuck in... ;) Sydney has tattled on occasion... heehee!) Okay, so a side story... Grandma P took her grandkids to lunch yesterday and forgot Jacob's diaper bag which had his food in it. So, Jacob became hungry and was ordered some applesauce so that he could get his belly filled too! From the story I hear, it doesn't sound like Grandma was going to let the cat out of the bag (partly because she is allergic heehee!), but Sydbear opened that bag right up. It's okay though, Jacob already had some homemade applesauce that his Uncle Rob and Aunt Lynn made last weekend. Okay, so back to the foods. Amy asked about an egg and the doctor first said no, but then said that the yolk would be okay, but not the white. The white is the part of the egg that most allergies stem from. So, Amy and I will not be feeding him any eggs anytime soon, or at least not until after he is a year old. Another issue that was brought up was the fact that Jacob is not getting quite enough formula a day. Jacob enjoys his solid food, but he is going to have to get used to having formula before he gets the solids... The only way we will be able to work in more of it. I'll save the third and quite possibly the biggest topic for tomorrow as this is getting to be on the long side. Also, it will give me something to post another day... ;)!
Jacob is one of the unfortunate souls that was started on the HIB (hepatitis B) 3-shot vaccination series. The first of the series was given to him in the hospital before he even came home for the first time. Unfortunately, there were some complications with the vaccination so it was recalled voluntarily by the supplier. In the meantime, another supplier has a 4-shot series which Jacob has also received so that he was covered. Since the voluntary recall, it was confirmed that there wasn't anything wrong with the vaccination and is now back on the market, but in limited quantites due to the recall. Now that Jacob has started both and due to the shortage, he is now stuck with the 4-shot series. This means that he had two shots today instead of only the one that we were planning on. Jacob wasn't happy about the pokes, but quickly settled down and once again became a tough guy about it.
So, we are going back in a month to check his ears out and then his next regular appointment is his ONE year appointment. As a part of Jacob's reward for being a good boy, well most of the time, we ventured over to the park so that he could swing for a while.
Posted by
8:26 PM