A Big Day Out!
The first full day at home started out as a pretty easy one. Dad worked out in the yard getting the leaves picked up and the lawn mowed because he heard that rain was going to be here by noon. The lawn had needed to be done before all of the weekend's events, but there were other priorities... So now was the time! Then it was time to rustle up the crew and get them ready for a trip to the pediatrician.
While mom was in the shower getting ready, dad quickly sprang into action to get Jacob ready for the big day. Oh what to wear?!?!... After digging through many different size clothes in his drawer, some newborn clothes were found. Okay, so I grabbed the first pair of pants that were newborn and threw them on! They are really big on him as he did lose some weight after he was born. He dropped down to 6 lbs, 11 oz at discharge. So, we loaded up the truck and we moved to the pediatrician...
Upon our arrival and knowing we had a 3-day old, we were quickly swept away to a cubby hole called vision. Then the doctor's entourage came in one by one to check out how cute their newest patient is. The oohs and aahs were just a flowin'! making mom and dad pround parents. We waited for a little bit before heading to the "bug room".
Now for the "bug room". The assistant came in and got Jacob naked, well, I jumped in and got him naked. Some discussion began and events were noted. It wasn't too long before the question came out... "Is this your first?", I replied with yes and she said, "You get the Good Dad Award, how do you know so much already?" I simply shrugged my shoulders and said I don't know, I just pay attention and listen to things I guess... We weighed Jacob and he was 6 lbs, 13-1/2 oz which was good news for us. He had lost almost too much weight in the hospital and was/is a concern we are watching. Losing weight in the first week is normal, but this was almost too much. It was thought to also be a contributor to the jaundice.
Next was the doctor. She came in and did her examinations and Jacob passed with flying colors, except for the persistent jaundice that had developed. We were then told that they wanted to do some blood work and needed to go to the hospital for it. She wanted us to get it done pretty much right away so that we could get the results back before the end of the day. She noted that she would not be concerned if his billirubin level was less than 15 for his age. So, we loaded up once again, fed Jacob in the car and then were off to the hospital for some blood work.
The hospital visit went well. We were taken back in a relatively quick motion to get the prick. It was noted that it might be a little slower because they just took back another newborn. We went back and they put a warm compress on Jacob's heel to warm it up to make the draw go better. Jacob was a real trooper and didn't mind it at all. However, I did step between mom and Jacob so that she couldn't see what was going on. There was barely a peep from Jacob, but definite tears from mom. She blamed it on hormones and all was good.
The doctor called us at about dinner time to say that Jacob's level was 9.1 and is fine. She was not concerned with this level for his age and doesn't see a need to recheck him or see a need for a visit before his two week appointment.
So, it was a big first full day at home!! After getting home late afternoon, we were greeted with food from Grandma. It was very nice and much appreciated. She also took care of Jacob for a little bit so that I/we were able to do a few more things around the house that I hadn't been able to get to yet.
Stay tuned for more drama in the newborn household... :-D!! It's all good!!
While mom was in the shower getting ready, dad quickly sprang into action to get Jacob ready for the big day. Oh what to wear?!?!... After digging through many different size clothes in his drawer, some newborn clothes were found. Okay, so I grabbed the first pair of pants that were newborn and threw them on! They are really big on him as he did lose some weight after he was born. He dropped down to 6 lbs, 11 oz at discharge. So, we loaded up the truck and we moved to the pediatrician...
Upon our arrival and knowing we had a 3-day old, we were quickly swept away to a cubby hole called vision. Then the doctor's entourage came in one by one to check out how cute their newest patient is. The oohs and aahs were just a flowin'! making mom and dad pround parents. We waited for a little bit before heading to the "bug room".
Now for the "bug room". The assistant came in and got Jacob naked, well, I jumped in and got him naked. Some discussion began and events were noted. It wasn't too long before the question came out... "Is this your first?", I replied with yes and she said, "You get the Good Dad Award, how do you know so much already?" I simply shrugged my shoulders and said I don't know, I just pay attention and listen to things I guess... We weighed Jacob and he was 6 lbs, 13-1/2 oz which was good news for us. He had lost almost too much weight in the hospital and was/is a concern we are watching. Losing weight in the first week is normal, but this was almost too much. It was thought to also be a contributor to the jaundice.
Next was the doctor. She came in and did her examinations and Jacob passed with flying colors, except for the persistent jaundice that had developed. We were then told that they wanted to do some blood work and needed to go to the hospital for it. She wanted us to get it done pretty much right away so that we could get the results back before the end of the day. She noted that she would not be concerned if his billirubin level was less than 15 for his age. So, we loaded up once again, fed Jacob in the car and then were off to the hospital for some blood work.
The hospital visit went well. We were taken back in a relatively quick motion to get the prick. It was noted that it might be a little slower because they just took back another newborn. We went back and they put a warm compress on Jacob's heel to warm it up to make the draw go better. Jacob was a real trooper and didn't mind it at all. However, I did step between mom and Jacob so that she couldn't see what was going on. There was barely a peep from Jacob, but definite tears from mom. She blamed it on hormones and all was good.
The doctor called us at about dinner time to say that Jacob's level was 9.1 and is fine. She was not concerned with this level for his age and doesn't see a need to recheck him or see a need for a visit before his two week appointment.
So, it was a big first full day at home!! After getting home late afternoon, we were greeted with food from Grandma. It was very nice and much appreciated. She also took care of Jacob for a little bit so that I/we were able to do a few more things around the house that I hadn't been able to get to yet.
Stay tuned for more drama in the newborn household... :-D!! It's all good!!
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