We Graduated!!

Yeah! We graduated from our childbirth education class. We attended four, 3-hour sessions over the past month through Beaumont Hospital. Our instructor was fantastic!! During the last class we had some make-ups that wished they could take their class over and request her. Quite the tribute I must say.
The class was very informative and has already been put to some good use. Not in the way of the actual birth because otherwise I wouldn't be writing this stuff... ;)! It has given both of us a lot of insight as to what to expect. The class was more on the technical side, but was still very easy to understand. There was a second time mom in our class that enjoyed the class much better this time. We did see some movies and practiced a number of different motions to help our baby come to us naturally, along with a few different breathing techniques. No, we didn't do Lamaze as this was not a Lamaze class. From the class, we also discussed different options with the doctor to see what his practices were/are. Once again, mom really likes the doctor as we are all on the same page of the playbook.
Amy and I feel comfortable and confident that we will at least have a little clue of what to expect once we get to the hospital for the "big day". Between the class, hospital tour and a brief visit at the hospital to check on mom and baby, we aren't going into this completely blind. Yes, I'm sure we would both agree that we don't have a clue of what to really expect, but we feel that we will be able to get through it. Obviously, there has been many many that have gone through this before... :D!
So, mom is all done with classes, but dad has one more (New Dads Class). Let's hope that I won't have any practical experience with our baby before then. My class is on September 13th, which puts mom at a smidgen over 37 weeks...
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