Doug and I had a great doctor's appointment last night with our new doctor. Well, sorta....let me explain. I have been going to a medical practice since before I was pregnant. I really liked my original doctor and felt confident to continue going to her practice when we found out we were pregnant. Her practice included a total of 4 doctors. We were told that we would rotate between all of them in the duration of the pregnancy so we would get to know all of them and feel comfortable with them so when we went into labor, whichever doctor was on call would be familiar to us. Over the course of the pregnancy, I have come to really like 2 of the doctors, 1 doctor was okay and one i didn't really care much for at all. Dr. Genord was my favorite, and ironically he was the only male doctor, which I had originally thought would be uncomfortable for me. Boy was I wrong !! Doug and I both really liked him and I told Doug on several occasions that I was really hoping and praying that he would be the doctor on call the day our baby decides to come ino this world.
After my 30 week appt, the one where I was referred to a Cardiologist, and told to get an ultrasound on my leg, we got a letter that stated Dr. favorite doctor....was leaving the practice. With all of the other anxiety I was feeling over recent events at the last doctors appt this horrified me. I was really upset and torn on what to do. Do I follow Dr. Genord to his new practice this late in the pregnancy or stay with my original practice where even though there was really only 1 maybe 2 doctors that I liked, I felt comfortable with the surroundings and all of the support staff. I fought with myself over this for more then a week and even asked the advice of some staff members from the hospital when we had our tour. With their and Doug's support I made the decision to follow Dr. Genord. I have to admit I was feeling some seperation anxiety when it came time to call and cancel my set appt at the original practice and let them know I was leaving and request that they forward all of my records to Dr. Genord. I even cried ! Silly? Maybe....but we'll blame it on the hormones !!!!
Doug and I went to our first appt last night at the temporary location of the new practice, a 6:30 appointment, which was great !! An evening appointment!! We never got that option from the other office...already a good start!!! Well, let me just say right now how very happy I am that I made the decision to follow this doctor. He is really an amazing doctor who put me right at ease about so many concerns I had been feeling. During our conversation it was revealed that his main reason for leaving the practice was because even though he had started that practice 10 tens ago, he didn't like what it had become. He wanted the focus to always be on the patient, and he felt that this practice has become more of an assembly line of outgoing and incoming woman. It wasn't as personal as he felt it should be, he didn't like that it all was about, getting them in and getting them out. He felt there wasn't enough time spent directly with the patient, addressing them and focusing on their needs or concerns. Hearing this instantly lifted pounds of stress of my shoulders. I had been trying to get info from the other practice regarding so many different things for so long without getting any real answers. I wanted to discuss stuff like getting to the hospital, labor, pain control, fears, delivery, policies and thoughts on different methods of delivery. I always left the other practice feeling frustrated and scared about the whole experience. Last night I walked outta that office feeling better about everything then I ever had leaving the other doctors for the past 2 months !!!! I had no feelings of neglect (yes, i can be needy...but thats me!!) uncertainty, frustration or fear of the unknown. I was so overwhelmed with emotion over this relief that I just started crying when Doug and I got to the truck !!! We'll blame the hormones again!!!!
With all of that said, I can report that baby, mommy and daddy are doing well. The baby's heartbeat was strong and now that he's gotten so big in there he can't run from the doppler so there was no looking for him!!! As soon as the doctor put that wand on my belly the beautiful sound of his fast, strong heartbeat filled the room!!! My baby bump measurement was right where it should be and the doctor said everything sounded great. We discussed what would happen over the next couple of appointments, so I would know what to expect and made an appt for Aug. 23, after I meet with the Cardiologist. For now though I feel safe and confident in all that is this wonderful journey !!!
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at the baby shower this weekend !! Til then, enjoy the heat and humidity!!!!