Monday, July 9, 2007

Furniture Delivery?

As you know my mom and dad were a little disgruntled over the weekend at not being able to get my furniture as was planned. At least I got to hear my grandpas' and grandmas' voices along with some other relatives I haven't met. Now we had to wait for the call earlier today.

What call you ask? The one that was supposed to happen between 11 and 12 this morning. Oh yeah, the call the store forgot to make. Well, my mom ending up calling the store and then had to leave a message. She never got a call back, soooo she called again. I guess mom's work was really busy because the guy said he tried a few times and then just called our home number (yes, there was a message when we got home). He said that the earliest they could deliver my furniture would be Thursday. Mom was like "what???", especially since she just talked to a main man at the store and said that we would be set for Saturday. Come to find that main dude put the cart before the horse. The schedule was open for Saturday, only because no one was working on Saturday. To shorten the story, my furniture will be put in my room on Thursday while I am at school with mom. I certainly can't wait to see it.

Oh! I must have my mom's "baby brain" because I almost forgot to tell you about the other furniture. When dad got home and got the messages, he found out that the glider and ottoman for my room are in too. So, while mom was on the phone, she asked if they could deliver that as well on Thursday. The man on the phone (Shed, I thought this was something you put junk outside in...) said that it wouldn't be a problem and that he would call the other store and get the paperwork. He was a very nice man!! I can't wait to feel mommy jump for joy when we get home Thursday from school from seeing my furniture. I'm sure dad will have pictures to show on the baby's room link... ;)! He might have to wait though because I overheard mom telling dad not to put the crib together until she was home and could take pictures of him putting my bed together. She wants me to be able to see it happening when I get a little older. We'll see if "anxious" daddy will be able to wait for mommy...

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