Sunday, March 25, 2007

Furniture On Order!!

So, you’re probably asking/wondering to yourself… Isn’t it too early to order furniture? Well, yes it probably is… We have made it beyond the 12 week doctor appointment and the doctor was able to see a strong heartbeat. Mom asked if it was okay to order furniture. The doctor said, “Oh, don’t worry about the furniture yet. I tell parents to start looking at around 20 weeks.” With this mom noted that the furniture we were considering took up to 14 weeks to get in. At this, the doctor quickly replied, “Go ahead and order it.” This was based on seeing a strong heartbeat at the 12 week mark. The doctor noted that the chances of miscarriage were drastically reduced based on that appointment.

The parents of Baby Gaynier, anxious to get the ball rolling, ordered a crib (thanks grandma), dresser, changer combo and hutch yesterday (we are now at 13 weeks). Daddy is more anxious about the planning and getting the baby’s room done side while mommy is more anxious about learning the gender. The anxious feelings stem from finding out we were pregnant at almost day one. We are not complaining as we have used this time to our advantage as we have been able to shop and look at things at a more leisurely pace. The green light from the doctor allows us to breathe easier in respect to having a miscarriage and is allowing us to be more excited about making the real decisions of planning our child’s arrival. Confirming lead times and finding out what are more realistic (8-14 weeks), we asked if we needed to pick-up or have the furniture delivered right away. The answer is that we can wait up to 9 months. So, barring any catastrophes, we will be receiving our child’s furniture a week or two before the first baby shower in latter July. So it looks like mom will have her wish of being able to put any gracious gifts received directly into their new home.

So, you are still thinking the planning is being done way too early!! When you add in camping, NASCAR races, baseball, golf and baby and bridal showers that mom is planning/attending, it quickly diminishes the opportunity to keep tasks at a leisurely and enjoyable pace for mom and dad. The less stress for mom, and okay dad too, the better, right?

We are also planning on ordering a glider rocker and ottoman (thanks other grandma!), but are waiting to see what the theme of the nursery is going to be and have confirmed that the lead times are much shorter than the other furniture. The reason we are waiting is because we are planning to match our choice with the nursery and the living room. When the time comes, the "nursery" chair will be used to replace a chair in the living room.

Mom has narrowed the nursery themes down to a select few and is waiting to find out whether our baby will have a wiener or the bun to make the final decision… LOL!! This will allow her to make the final decision as one is gender neutral and the other select few are not. We are still about 7-8 weeks out before we can/will be finding out.

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