Sunday, March 25, 2007

Furniture On Order!!

So, you’re probably asking/wondering to yourself… Isn’t it too early to order furniture? Well, yes it probably is… We have made it beyond the 12 week doctor appointment and the doctor was able to see a strong heartbeat. Mom asked if it was okay to order furniture. The doctor said, “Oh, don’t worry about the furniture yet. I tell parents to start looking at around 20 weeks.” With this mom noted that the furniture we were considering took up to 14 weeks to get in. At this, the doctor quickly replied, “Go ahead and order it.” This was based on seeing a strong heartbeat at the 12 week mark. The doctor noted that the chances of miscarriage were drastically reduced based on that appointment.

The parents of Baby Gaynier, anxious to get the ball rolling, ordered a crib (thanks grandma), dresser, changer combo and hutch yesterday (we are now at 13 weeks). Daddy is more anxious about the planning and getting the baby’s room done side while mommy is more anxious about learning the gender. The anxious feelings stem from finding out we were pregnant at almost day one. We are not complaining as we have used this time to our advantage as we have been able to shop and look at things at a more leisurely pace. The green light from the doctor allows us to breathe easier in respect to having a miscarriage and is allowing us to be more excited about making the real decisions of planning our child’s arrival. Confirming lead times and finding out what are more realistic (8-14 weeks), we asked if we needed to pick-up or have the furniture delivered right away. The answer is that we can wait up to 9 months. So, barring any catastrophes, we will be receiving our child’s furniture a week or two before the first baby shower in latter July. So it looks like mom will have her wish of being able to put any gracious gifts received directly into their new home.

So, you are still thinking the planning is being done way too early!! When you add in camping, NASCAR races, baseball, golf and baby and bridal showers that mom is planning/attending, it quickly diminishes the opportunity to keep tasks at a leisurely and enjoyable pace for mom and dad. The less stress for mom, and okay dad too, the better, right?

We are also planning on ordering a glider rocker and ottoman (thanks other grandma!), but are waiting to see what the theme of the nursery is going to be and have confirmed that the lead times are much shorter than the other furniture. The reason we are waiting is because we are planning to match our choice with the nursery and the living room. When the time comes, the "nursery" chair will be used to replace a chair in the living room.

Mom has narrowed the nursery themes down to a select few and is waiting to find out whether our baby will have a wiener or the bun to make the final decision… LOL!! This will allow her to make the final decision as one is gender neutral and the other select few are not. We are still about 7-8 weeks out before we can/will be finding out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Our Baby's Growing!

Our baby is growing and beginning to look a little more human as we can now see appendages. Pictures are from 12 weeks. The size of our child is remaining consitent with the length of pregnancy, so we are very happy about that. The baby is definitely on the move although mommy is not able to feel the little munchkin yet. Maybe it is all of the baby's movement that is making mom feel car sick... We have to agree with everyone that has had a child or been around pregnancy that watching the ultrasounds and seeing the baby move is very exciting!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

12 Week Doctor Appointment

Another doctor's appointment complete!!! Bright and early I arrived at the doctor's office and was told that from here on out, I would be asked to give a urine sample at the beginning of every appointment. "Okay" I said, and off I went to the bathroom. I came back out to the waiting room and was shocked to see all the other women sitting there. I was told they were running behind and to have a seat and be patient. Doug had to go to an unexpected meeting so I ventured to the doctor's appointment all by myself like a big girl!! However, after waiting for 30 minutes I was bummed I hadn't asked my mom to come with me. I wasn't feeling well and I could really have used the company. I was finally called back to a room and only sat there for a couple of minutes when my doctor poked her head in and said, "Did ya' get it all down?" I looked at her confused and asked her, "Get what all down?!?" She proceeded to tell me she wanted to give me the glucose tolerance test earlier than they normally do because Diabetes runs in my family. I remember this being discussed at an earlier visit with the doctor but I’ve been a little spacey lately, and of course blaming it on pregnancy and wasn't expecting it. Apparently the nurses weren't expecting it either because they didn't know to give me the very "yummy" glucose drink to guzzle when I first got there. So!! The doctor left and a nurse came in with a big bottle of bright orange fluid that I was instructed to drink...very quickly!!! The nurse told me she would be back in in exactly 5 minutes and when she returned I was to have all the liquid drank. She left and I took a sip, and instantly thought I was going to vomit!!! Talk about yucky! That stuff was so disgusting, but I managed to get it all down and even did it in the time limit, it's amazing how proud I can be of the small things accomplished!!! :-) When the nurse came back in she told me I now had to go back into the waiting room and sit for an hour, and then I would be called back in and they would draw blood. I thought to myself "AN HOUR!!!" Needless to say I wasn't thrilled, I certainly hadn't expected to spend most of my morning at the doctor's office and again wished I would have asked my mom to come with me. Oh well, what was I gonna do about it now, it really wasn't that big a deal, but again I can blame my silly overreacting on hormones!! A very long hour later I was called back in and saw the doctor for a few minutes, that’s when I got my lecture on not eating. I lost another 7 pounds and was told that even though I'm feeling really nauseous I have got to eat! I promised to do my best and then had a few questions of my own. After our little chat she said, "Let's hear the heart beat!" Finally something fun!!! She brought in a heart beat monitor and gelled my belly, she moved the wand around and I was getting nervous because I couldn't hear anything. After what seemed like forever she also seemed a little concerned and told me she wasn't finding a strong heartbeat but not to panic. Too late I thought but she explained that it’s still early and because I've got a couple of fibroids the baby might be hiding. She brought in an actual ultrasound machine with a screen and said she would try again but this time we wouldn't hear the heartbeat we would just make sure we could see it. I was so relieved when within seconds the baby was on screen and we could clearly see a strong heartbeat. My doctor assured me everything looked good and that things seemed to be moving along well. WHEW !!! Then I was taken to the lab where the technician drew 12 tubes of blood!!! Yep, I felt like she was gonna take it all! I even joked and told her to leave some for me! But I am happy to say I was a trooper and made it through and was even able to go to work after missing the previous two days because of severe nausea. I guess the short version would be, despite the surprise yucky glucose cocktail and the moment of fear waiting to hear (or see) the heartbeat, it was another successful doctor's appointment!! But when have I ever been into the short version of anything?!?!? :-) I'm reporting that mommy and baby are doing fine!! Daddy is also doing great! Hope all is well with all of you and we will of course keep you updated on any fun and exciting events that may, and probably will, happen. Next doctor's appointment....April 13th.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Doug Got An A!!

Uh, er check that… Amy got an A! The 24/7 bouts of morning sickness along with taking two classes this semester can sometimes be a little overwhelming for a pregnant woman. Mom-to-be left work early on a day that she didn’t have class to go home and rest. It was thought that she would lay down for a little bit to get past her ailment(s) brought on by her pregnancy and then get up and do her exam and some homework. 3-1/2 hours later with the hormones bouncin’ off the walls, it was determined that maybe now wouldn’t be a good time to take an exam. However, the exam due date wouldn’t allow any procrastination and the exam needed to be completed now. So, the computer was fired up and we were off to taking an exam. Amy was right there the whole time doing the best she could to not be sick as we, uh um, Doug took the exam. Amy was a real trooper in reading the exam questions/directions which saved quite a bit of time. We are happy to report that Amy received a 98 out of 100 with only one questioned being incorrect. However, it was determined that it really should be a 100 and may be challenged during the next class.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fun Center in Royal Oak?

The Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation is an organization that helps seriously ill children and their families cope with their pain, fear and isolation through entertainment, education and family activities. They work to soften the hard edges of what a family experiences when a child has a serious illness. They create a sense of community between families who are having similar experiences by providing opportunities for them to escape the hospital, doctors, nurses, needles and treatments and doing something fun where they get to join others and just feel "normal" again--perhaps even forgetting that anyone is sick for a short while.

Colgate-Palmolive and Starlight Starbright have created a national online voting contest to choose where the next fun center will be located. The vote will result in five hospitals receiving Fun Centers. The birth of our child is planned to be at one these hospitals, William Beaumont in Royal Oak, MI.

Please take a moment and follow the link to vote for the William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. Hurry and vote from as many computers as you can find (one vote per computer, per day). Voting is currently open and will be ending on March 31, 2007.