Fortunately, the weather held out although a little chilly for the harvest party this year. Jill and Ken once again put on an A rated fun-filled extravaganza.
Jacob had fun playing with his cousins, primarily Will (almost 3) and the birthday girl Elizabeth (turned 12). They had fun playing on the trails in the field (okay, so I was literally running with Jacob in my arm's to keep up with the rest of the kids). Surprisingly Will was able to keep up pretty well with the older kids. They did have to stop on occasion and let Will and the rest of us catch up.
This year found Jacob actually going on the scavenger hunt and understanding a little of what was going on. Of course, this was after his momma helped him paint a pumpkin mask. After eating a pallette tantilizing meal thrown together with Ken's culinary expertise, it was time to help Uncle Charlie grind the apples and then press them so that we could all have some fresh apple cider. Jacob jumped right in and wanted to grind the apples too. The older kids (all of them were older than Jacob) were amazed that he do turn the grinder himself. They asked me if I was helping and said no and moved my hands away so that would really believe me. It was pretty exciting for them and Jacob. I think it helped that they weren't putting pressure on the apples going through, but who was I to say anything... ;)!
Jacob enjoyed hanging out with the adults around the campfire and vegging. Let's just hope that he doesn't pick up on anything that was said ;)! His mommy might have some splainging to do! Not really, but a cousin might :D! Veggin' at the fire calmed Jacob down as the night wore on. So, it was time to pick out a pumpkin and gather all of the loot from the scavenger hunt, etc. and head home. A great time was had by all as we were able to enjoy spending time with some of our extended family.