Halloween - Long Overdue!!
These photos are long overdue. Yes, they are from Halloween if you can't tell... ;)! Jacob was a giraffe with his baby giraffe. I think his mother wore off on him as giraffes are one of Jacob's favorite animals at the zoo. So, picking this costume was pretty easy to choose. Jacob picked the giraffe over the monkey. Editing photos and moving them around has become quite a task and literally impossible so, it has become more difficult to get the pics in chronological. Basically, however they are, they are...
Jacob alone was early in the morning getting ready for school and his Halloween party there.
Jacob alone was early in the morning getting ready for school and his Halloween party there.
Halloween was a cool day, but it didn't stop us from heading out for a wagon ride through the haunted woods and orchard. We were basically the only ones there, but more people showed up just to shop when the ride was done. If you wore a costume, you got a free pumpkin, so Jacob dove right in and got one. It was a very nice ride. I'm not sure how haunted it was with Sponge Bob, Shrek, Scooby and others in the trail. Let's say it was friendly haunted ride.