Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Jacob Goes Swimming
Well, Jacob won and got to go in the pool. He had a blast!! It was sometimes difficult though to know whether he or his dad was having more fun.
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11:58 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jacob Goes To School
After calling around, we made an appointment with a facility that is kind of on the way to Amy's new job and kinda on the way home for me. We ventured out in the snow storm that we had to check this place out. After all, we didn't really have a choice if we were to both check it out and also to make a quick decision. We ended up spending well over an hour checking out all of the rooms and also letting Jacob play in the room that he would be in, if we were to decide on this "school". There are different rooms for different ages as they accommodate a large range of ages. They offer care for children from 4 weeks to 12 years of age and also has a pre-school integrated into it. The highlights for Jacob during the tour were pushing around the horses (toy, of course), sitting at the piano (we couldn't believe the huge smile he had since he has the opportunity to play hear whenever he wants) and I think it's called a crazy car. He was not happy when daddy had to take him out... We took some information with us as we needed to decide whether it was worth it or not to continue looking. This place was definitely a nice place with a lot to offer, but it was a little more expensive than a few others. However, it also includes diapers, wipes, hot lunch and three snacks a day.
So, we ventured back out into the 10 inches of snow or so by this point and ran some errands. On the way home, as we were passing back by the facility, we decided to make it official and enroll Jacob. A quick run home to get the checkbook (and let Jacob take a little more of a nap) and we went back and enrolled Jacob. Jacob will start "school" on January 5th!!! We are calling it school to 1) make it easier on Amy to think that he is going to school and not just having some one else take care of him and 2) it really is much more like a school than it is a daycare.
Jacob and I, at least, and possibly mommy too will be venturing back during the holidays so that Jacob can meet his teachers again along with his fellow classmates. He may have met most, if not all of them already, but they didn't really get much of a chance to play. With the weather and the holidays, the facility isn't as full as it normally is as parents are going on vacations, etc.
Posted by
8:35 PM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Amy Lands A Job!!
So, the temp agency called yesterday about an opportunity and noted they were interviewing today and tomorrow. Amy made an appointment for an interview at 9 am this morning. Amy's interview started at 9 and at 9:03, she was told that she had the job and the manager wanted to take her around to meet a few people and was asked if she could start tomorrow. Amy was taken back a bit because it all happened so quickly and accepted the offer without talking to her family. She did say that she would start on Monday though because we needed to find daycare for Jacob...
Amy has accepted a job with a commercial construction company as their receptionist. She is definitely overqualified for the position and both the temp agency and the hiring manager both noted this. However, it should be relatively stress-free opportunity and given the times (looking for a job for over four months), it will definitely be something good for us both emotionally and economically. The hiring manager has also already told Amy that she plans to hire her direct as soon as the required time is over for the temp agency. We don't know how this will affect things, but we are assuming it will be for the better.
Amy, Jacob and I have an interview set up with a daycare facility for Jacob tomorrow. Since I had today and tomorrow off, it works out well. We are hoping to be able to find one or two more to check out, but with the snow supposedly on its way (schools being closed and the snow isn't to start for another few hours...) and lack of availability in the area (so, we have found out), we might get kinda stuck. The daycare we are checking out is sort of on the way to Amy's new job and is kinda on the way home for me, so if we like it, it might just be a slam dunk easy decision to make.
The transition from being a stay-at-home mom for almost a year and a half back into the work force is definitely going to be a challenge for both Amy and Jacob. There is definitely going to be a need for both to adjust. Fortunately, Amy will be working a few days before I need to head back to work and before the daycare will start. Jacob and I will definitely have to go and take Amy out for lunch at least one day to help the transition out.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Jacob Gets Tooth!
Where o' where are Jacob's other teeth? Well, we found one more. It is now officially through. It has been about 5 or 6 months since there has been any new activity poking through. We were wondering if and when he would ever get any more. The latest protrusion is on his bottom left, making a total of 3 on the bottom and the 4 on top. Stay tuned because the first 6 came through within a couple of weeks...
Posted by
10:40 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
More Personality All The Time!
Jacob flirted while traveling around the store in a cart, but nothing like while waiting in line. It didn't take long for him to really pour on the charm to have the cashier and the two ladies in front of us smiling and cracking up with his flirting. It was definitely contagious because by the time we got checked out and ready to leave, I took a peek around and the two or three lines on either side of us were checking Jacob out with giggles and smiles. He definitely is getting his lack of shyness from... who else... but his mother... :D!
We ventured into another store and Jacob was getting pretty restless because I was holding him for so long while there. While Amy was in line, I let him down to stretch his legs, and boy did he... There were people all over watching him race around the different aisles, etc. He had the biggest smile on his face and just wouldn't stop. I just kept a close trail on him so that he couldn't get too far. Maybe he is working up to be the youngest marathon runner every. At least I can still keep up and not get worn out... yet... ;)!
Posted by
12:37 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Where's The Ornaments?
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5:48 PM
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper
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10:26 PM