Friday, February 29, 2008
Technical Difficulty
More importantly, today is the last day to vote for a fun center at Detroit Children's Hospital. Houston has started to leave us in the dust, so hopefully Detroit can battle back today.
Hope everyone is enjoying the snow today!!!
Posted by
12:12 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Diaper, What Diaper?
Posted by
7:14 PM
5 Month Appointment
Posted by
6:54 PM
Two Days Left For Fun Center
Posted by
5:40 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jacob Has Joined Us At The Table
Posted by
6:49 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
News Flash
This just in... Amy has decided to also feed Jacob sweet potatoes prior to starting the fruits. The ending time for voting has been extended for those that have not viewed the blog in a while, haven't made up their mind, or just plain haven't voted yet... :)!!
Watch out for those curve balls...
Posted by
11:24 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Mom Stop The Car!!
After Aunt Abby picked up Jacob from the motel, she needed to pick up Jacob's cousins before heading home until it was time to head to grandma's. Jacob decided it was time to be a little fussy. This is something that Colton hasn't really dealt with too much in the car, so he hollered up to his mom, "Stop the car, there is something wrong with Jacob." Aunt Abby quickly noted that he was okay and was just a little fussy and they were almost home. The kids weren't convinced, however... Sydney asked where's that thing you put in his mouth? They quickly went through Jacob's bag to find his pacifier and put it in his mouth. Jacob was quickly relieved. With Jacob's relief Colton states, "Oh! Thank goodness he's safe..." No bothers here! Oh to be a little fly on the car roof to see this. I'm sure I am not doing the situation justice... LOL!!!
Posted by
5:37 PM
Wedding Anniversary Night Out
The outing started off with Aunt Abby picking Jacob up from the hotel. Jacob's mom did amazingly well as I didn't see her shed a tear... this time... ;)! It was definitely difficult to get her mind off of our little man, but a trip to the store to get some adult drinks and bubble bath eased her minded enough to be able to relax. Most of the night was spent hanging out at the motel with the exception of heading to downtown Ann Arbor for a bite to eat and a stop to an infamous ice cream spot.
A night without the need to wake up in the middle of it or without the possibility waking up was a great feeling. Well, the night didn't go off without an interruption. At 1:00 am, we heard a pounding on our door. Who the heck is beating on our door? Amy thought my phone didn't ring what is wrong with Jacob, I thought, did the tub leak or is there something else going on. I opened the door to find a high school aged girl asking for Dustin. She was dressed up with caked on make-up. I quickly told her that she had the wrong room and closed the door. Amy was able to get back to sleep pretty quickly, but then I was up because the adrenalin was flowing...
Jacob had a great time spending it at his grandma's house. It turned out being a slumber party with his two cousins too! They all slept together while downgrading grandpa to the pull out couch... It was a nice relaxing night for us as well.
Posted by
5:22 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Time For A New Look!
Yes, those are Jacob's eyes in the header. I knew I wanted to put a picture in the header instead of the same old boring description and title that is generic to the template. I had a few ideas, but nothing that I could really get started and make it look good. I just started playing with some pictures just to get an idea about what I could/wanted to do and what you see is what you get and it didn't take too long to make it work.
Posted by
9:30 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
As it stands now, it looks like Jacob will be eating bananas which I kinda find funny. His mother is rooting for bananas and doesn't even like eating them. Maybe this is just so that dad will have an "eating buddy" when Jacob gets a little older. This is a good thing since she can be a picky eater at times. Jacob and I can't eat Chinese all of the time... ;)!
Posted by
9:38 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
It's Almost Fruit Time - You Get To Decide
So, there is about a week or so before Jacob will be getting to try a fruit. You have plenty of time to vote for your favorite. I think you will only be able to vote once per computer...
Posted by
12:49 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Peas, Peas, Peas...
The introduction of peas into Jacob's diet this week was obviously anti-climatic. There are still a lot more stage 1 foods that will follow and maybe there will be a funny face to capture. The next food on the agenda and I think the last vegetable available is squash. We'll just have to wait a week and see what happens then!!
Posted by
11:53 PM
Hanging Out At Dinner
Here's a picture of Jacob just hanging out waiting quietly for his turn... Yes, the peas...
Posted by
11:40 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Belated Valentine's Day!!
Jacob decided he wanted to go out for dinner and promised he would be a good boy. He said that he wanted to go somewhere that was kid friendly so that there wouldn't be grumpy old stuffed shirts around. Red Robin was the place he wanted to go. There were definitely a lot of kids there, but none of them were as good as Jacob. After all he promised to be good. He was VERY good as he slept through the appetizer and dinner. Then when mom was almost finished, he decided it was time for his dinner too. So, we headed out and got him fed.
I can't take credit for these pictures, I can only take credit for picking the ones to put up. I can also take credit for only the socks he is wearing... If you can't read his shirt, it says 'Heartbreaker'...
Posted by
11:34 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How Did Daddy Do?
A carrot update... Carrots may not be Jacob's choice of food. Monday was rough, Tuesday was fine and tonight was a little bit of an issue. Tonight was the first time Amy fed Jacob carrots and she noted how runny they were. Jacob kinda spits them a bit, not on purpose, but they tend to be messy as you may have seen in the picture. I think there is one more day of those. We may have to limit the amount of carrots he gets for now.
Well, time to go. Jacob is waking up from a nap and Amy is upstairs studying on the computer!!
Posted by
7:13 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Daddy Day
Time for Amy to get up at 6 am, which is later because she didn’t need to drop Jacob off, and head for class. This woke me up and right after she left, I decided it was time for me to prepare for the day and get things together. Why you ask? It was also the day Frankie was going to the vet to be put under for a dental cleaning. Jacob decided he was going to lay in his crib and talk, so I got cleaned totally expecting he would be screaming for me shortly, but didn’t. Things that make you go hmm… After getting him up, etc. he still wasn’t acting hungry and it was getting time to go. So, I made a bottle and fed him something to hold him over. We eventually dropped Frankie off at 8:30 and then started to run errands. Jacob was now definitely hungry so we hung out at BK for a drink together. Boy!! It is now definitely time to keep things on the table away from him… Jacob was able to sleep while running errands so that he could play when we got home, and play we did!!
Along came 2:30 and unannounced to me, this is the time that Jacob usually gets a little fussy. I was not prepared for what was about to ensue and didn’t think there was an issue because Jacob had just awoke from a nap. Jacob began uncontrollably screaming and crying. Let’s just say a pacifier, gas drops, feeding, bouncing, swaying, playing, and probably some other stuff, etc. just didn’t seem to work In the meantime, I am watching the time tick away because I needed to pick up Frankie soon. I was able to eventually get him settled down and got him fed. Off we go back to the vet to pick up Frankie. Of course, Jacob, now very tired, slept during this adventure again.
Back at home, I now have a dog that isn’t herself. Frankie was wandering around aimlessly and uneasy. Jacob ended up having another fit, not as severe as the one earlier in the day, but much more prolonged. There was a definitely a balancing act. Bounce Jacob to settle him down and then find Frankie and take care of her for a few seconds before Jacob cried again. This went on for a few hours. Eventually, it was time that Jacob was able to sleep, but I knew he wouldn’t be down for the count. I took advantage of the open time to console Frankie and get some bottles cleaned. It wasn’t long and Jacob was up again. Another feeding and fortunately, he went back to sleep. I took advantage of knowing he was now down for the count and went out and cleaned the driveway around 10:15 so that Amy could get in without any trouble.
Where in the world is Amy? I got a call around 9:15 to let me know that she wouldn’t make it home in time so I could play hockey, but had to go because there were sirens coming. I didn’t know if they were for her, or just what. Was she getting stopped by the police, was she in a crash, was she a witness…??? I gave it a little time and then I couldn’t reach her, which I now know was because her phone died. She eventually got home at 10:45. Fortunately, her professor let her out of class an hour early and she didn’t need to pick up Jacob, otherwise, she might still be on the road…
So, I think Amy was surprised that Jacob and I are still alive and the house wasn’t a mess when she came home. It was quiet and dark and everyone but me was in bed, almost like it was when she left…
Posted by
11:31 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Put On Those Dancin' Shoes
The third night of carrots may not have settled with Jacob. It was the first time that he didn't keep something down other than formula. It wasn't bad, so we will just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow night.
Posted by
7:44 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Adding Foods
Sorry, no pictures of the carrots all over his face. Frankie is now enjoying her little brother a little more... ;)! She gets the leftovers/gets to clean out Jacob's food dish. Aside from the fact Jacob's food is keeping her close while he is eating, she is getting more curious about him and letting him pet her. It used to freak her out when Jacob was even near her and she was getting touch, regardless of who it was. It's nice to see that Frankie is a little more interested. Llasa's aren't always the most kid friendly and being 13-1/2 years old doesn't help much either.
Okay, so another little story about today. I was downstairs doing some rearranging and also playing around and all of a sudden I hear "Oh, my LooooRRDdddd!!!", which sounded like Jacob just did something for the first time. I quickly finished what I was doing and ran upstairs to see what the new trick was... As I am rounding the corner to the living room, I hear Pee U!!!! False alarm. All of the commotion was just over and "orange load" as Amy called it. You would have thought it was the worst smell she had ever met up with!!!
Posted by
8:08 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Fun Center Competition Returns!
A cousin of mine forwarded a message to let me know that Colgate was once again offering the challenge and followed up witha personal note. She wrote:
Hey Everyone!
I just sent an e-mail regarding voting for Children's Hospital of Detoit to receive a play/fun center from Colgate. We are currently in 2ndplace! I have personally experienced this wonderful hospital over the past few years while dealing w/ a few issues w/ our daughter and I was completly blown away with every aspect of this hopital. There are MANY MANY sick children that stay there and visit everyday and this play center I'm sure would bring a little sparkle to their eyes! It takes Less than 1 minute to vote! Please make adifference to a child!!!!!
Her note was sent only a couple of days ago and Detroit has sinced dropped way behind and is now in fourth!! Let's get the word out and get people voting for Detroit!! It doesn't cost us a thing and doesn't take much time at all... Please take a few seconds to vote for Detroit!! You can vote once a day per computer, so if you have multiple computers at your hands, use them!! Voting ends Feburary 29, 2008. Mayor troubles or not, a fun center helps the children!!
Posted by
8:17 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Jacob Sleeps Through The Night
Posted by
12:37 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Too Early To Tell?
Let's hope that Jacob has a great day today and is back 100% himself tomorrow and is ready to be happy all weekend!!!
Posted by
7:33 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Jacob Has A Winter Cold
Jacob woke up at 3:30 am expecting to be fed, but he went to bed earlier than usual, so he didn't get his usually "topping off" like he has grown accustomed to. He slugged down 4 oz and he was filled up. Then the little rascal wanted to play a bit, but I didn't play into him and just bounced him around trying to get him to go to sleep. After a couple of hours he was getting there so I tried putting him in his crib, but he would immediately wake up and begin to be fussy. Eventually, it was time to eat right before he was bundled up for grandma's house (school day), so he ate a couple of ounces and was off. I noticed he wasn't quite himself then, but figured it was beacuse he didn't really sleep a ton during the night.
Jacob's fussiness didn't go away. Grandma could tell he wasn't feeling himself as he wasn't eating much if at all and his eyes were droopy and glassy at times. As the day went on, he seemed to get droopier (is this a word?) and started tugging at his ear and just wasn't himself. Unfortunately, Amy had an exam in the evening so she couldn't go pick him up and take him home. Aunt Abby stopped by and helped out getting him to sleep a little bit while on her. Jacob really didn't sleep during the day, but like 10-15 minute intervals.
Jacob reverted back a couple of months and was up every few hours last night wanting to eat and did a little better. This morning he was still droopy, but a little more playful and still tugging at his ears. So, Amy called the doctor and they said to bring him in. We figured he had an ear infection and possibly a cold as he had had some congestion Monday night and then later yesterday.
So off to the doctor...
The doctor thought for sure that Jacob had an ear infection, but was surprised to find that his ears were very clean. His chest does have some congestion in it, but not bad. The goop in his eyes is back, so we now have another prescription for eye drops, but were pretty convinced that this is just because of his cold that he has been diagnosed with. The tugging/scratching at his ear is thought to be related to his cradle cap that is still evident. Now that Jacob is older the doctor thinks Jacob realizes that something isn't right and is now scratching to try and get rid of it.
So Jacob is a little under the weather, but should be okay by the weekend!!
Posted by
12:15 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Jacob's First Superbowl!
Posted by
8:05 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Which Way Is Up?
With the new trick(s) of rolling over for Jacob, it was off to Babies R Us for checking into gates and of course, the diapers, formula, etc. There was also the first impulse buy because Jacob wanted it. We happened to be in the toy section after getting extra spoons, bowls, etc. and his mother and I were passing toys back and forth. Many of which didn't even phase Jacob. When all of a sudden, I passed a piano, rattle, slidy thing in front of him and he started grabbing for it. He would not let it out of his site. Mom and I were both surprised at the attention the new toy received. He would follow it everywhere it went. Fortunately, it was an inexpensive toy, so we decided to get it. Mom also had to get him his first tv remote because he has been checking out the remote when she has been using it and wanted to be like mom.
So, we have one gate for now in case Jacob starts rolling around or crawling unannounced. He is really moving his legs and getting high on his elbows. It seems like it won't be long before he is crawling. Of course, he still needs to build the strength in his legs to do so, but time flies...
Posted by
7:52 PM