Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hard To Believe!

It is hard to believe that Jacob is already a whopping four months old. We do not have any complaints about our little boy who gets bigger right in front of our eyes. Amy has made comments about how he is four months old and we haven't had to go to urgent care or the doctor for a cold or anything, with the exception of when he was having issues with a formula which really wasn't an issue. I'm not saying there hasn't been any issues, but we have tackled what we have come across in stride or were able to handle them at regular appointments, like goop in the eyes.

Amy had a fun time in one of her now many classes on Tuesday. She was able to talk the whole two hours about Jacob. She is taking "Life Span Development" and they are currently talking about infants. The teacher asked who, if any, has a child in this range. Amy was the only to raise her hand. It was interesting to find out that it sounds like Jacob is doing a few things earlier than the average as there were some surprises like that of eating cereal already, rolling over and some other smaller things. This by no means that he is some super child or anything as every child is different. It just means that Jacob is progressing well. Amy also had a fun time passing her pictures around of her "little man". On a day of having two exams, homework and a paper due, I'm sure this lifted her spirits!!

We have definitely been blessed with an AWESOME little dude!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jacob Eats From A Spoon II

Here is a second video that was taken yesterday during Jacob's first round of being fed with a spoon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jacob Eats From A Spoon

Jacob takes his first stab at eating from a spoon. It was pretty evident after a few spoonfuls Jacob wasn't wasting time on his new found talent. He was beginning to open his mouth as he saw the spoon traveling through the air toward him. His mouth wasn't alway open wide enough to get a good scoop in, but I'm sure it will only be a matter of time.

It wasn't long before Jacob wanted to try this feeding thing on his own and was grabbing the spoon to help guide the spoon to his mouth quicker. While he liked the idea of helping, it was pretty evident to him that his help was only hindering the progress. Dad made a short-lived attempt at feeding. Jacob took this opportunity to once again try his hand at guiding the spoon. After all, with a relief "spooner" Jacob was sure to be better, or so he thought... The first spoonfuls from dad went more on his nose, head, shoulder, etc. than it did his mouth... While making a mental note, he gave into dad's attempts and began to relax once again and allowing himself to be fed.

Tune in tomorrow for part II of today...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Update On Jacob's Eyes

Jacob did a nice job revisiting his eventful trip to the doctor yesterday. One thing he forgot to mention was about his eyes. It is probably because he still has a short memory and he hasn't needed the drops in his eyes for a few weeks now. This is great news because now we/he don't/doesn't have to worry about the possibility of getting his tear ducts drilled out around the 9 month mark. We are definitely want to avoid that!

Jacob rolled over again last night from front to back and mom was able to see him this time. Lots of kudos were given to Jacob, but he just stared at his mother like why the heck are you so excited? He sure rolls back and forth when he is on his back, so we are anxiously awaiting when he will roll from back to front.

Here is Jacob and I just hanging out on the floor...

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Four Month Appointment

I woke up this morning very happy as my daddy came to my crib with a 5 oz bottle to feed me. I was very happy because it tasted so good and I usually don’t get fed in the morning by him during the week. I didn’t quite take the whole bottle because I wanted to smile and play with dad. We didn’t get to too much because mom changed my outfit and doused me in goo for my skin. Dad then loaded me up in my car seat so I knew were going somewhere and I was happy about that. Little did I know where we were going though… Mom and dad did tell me where we were going, but I didn’t realize everything…

I became a little concerned as to what was going on when we got to the doctor’s office. I knew this was a place I had been to before, but I was okay with being there as dad was playing with me. We then went into a blue room with lots of faces on the walls and dad got me out of my car seat. It wasn’t too long and this very nice lady came in and dad got me into my birthday suit. I love being in my birthday suit, so I was happy. The lady kept talking to me and moving me around a bit getting measurements. She kept telling me how much of a good boy I was. I guess I must have really grown because mom and dad seemed to be surprised at my statistics. I am not 14#, 3-1/2 oz which puts me in the 50th percentile. Along with that I am 25-3/4” long (75th percentile) and my head is 16-3/4” around (75th percentile). It looks like I am a growing boy and might be big when I grow up like daddy.

After the nice lady left, the doctor came and checked my ears, throat and abdomen, etc. out. I don’t like that abdomen thing so much because I feel like I need to poo… Oh well, it doesn’t last long. Everything checked out okay!!! Hoorah!! During my exam, the doctor asked how much I was eating (4-5 oz, every 2-1/2 to 3 hours). The doctor was like oh, that much? Then he said to start feeding me rice and fruit. I’m not sure what that means because they mentioned something about a spoon. Whatever could this mean?!?! Mom and dad had bewildered looks on their faces as if they were shocked that I am getting bigger. They thought that I wouldn’t be doing this new thing for a while yet…

The doctor left and for some reason, daddy didn’t dress me back up right away. Then, the nice lady came back in with a tray. Mom and dad’s faces changed and mom moved and started shedding some tears. I started getting scared, but dad kept his hand on me and said it was going to be okay. Boy, if I knew then, what I know now… I was okay and strong with the first shot, then the second. All of a sudden before I knew it, there was another poke in my other leg!! Can you believe it? I couldn’t… I started whaling because this really sucked!! Then, a fourth poke came as if the first three weren’t enough!!! I really let them know I wasn’t happy then. They put some lame bandages on me thinking that would help and then handed me off to mom because she was crying. So we cried together, but I was much more because I was the one that got poked. After a few moments dad got me dressed while I was still showing my displeasure. I eventually gave in to my madness because dad was putting me into a motion I just couldn’t resist relaxing with. Now that I am getting bigger, I am going to have to remember that sometimes that nice lady isn’t so nice…

So, there is the detail of my four month appointment. Well, if I decide I want to be an engineer in the future, I should be a little more technical. Today’s appointment was my 3 month and 4 week less 4 hours appointment ;)! Who knows what I will be/want to be when I grow up. I still have a lot to learn of what life has to offer!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This Just In...

Jacob was getting some tummy time while I was uploading some video of him. During this time, he was starting to push himself up a little bit so that he could arch his back more and see mom studying her math at the table easier. Mom came in to see what he was doing and was happy to see his improvement and back to the table she went.

Jacob and I continued hanging out on the floor and slowly with dad watching, but what was about to happen not registering.... Jacob rolled from his belly to his back. It surprised me because it was so slow that I didn't really realize what I was watching. If I had, I would have certainly hurried his mother into the living room to watch this big step in development. We think it was definitely as much of a surprise to him as it was us as he began crying and looking scare as he didn't know what just happened. I'm sure the fact that he was about ready to take a nap had something to do with it as well.


We'll have to see if there is repeat performances tomorrow night so that mommy can watch too!! It all depends how much his grandma and cousin Colton wear him out before his mom picks him up after school...

Jacob Kicks His Bear

Jacob is really beginning to take advantage of what the Go Baby Go has to offer. He started off by just kicking the ball and making the head bob for a few weeks, but now he is grabbing the other items and bringing them to him (of course to his mouth when he can). His movements and tugs are moving the whole toy on his command... ;)! Before we know it, he will be sitting up by himself and putting the balls in the holes and watching them fall down the slide, etc. Between the Go Baby Go and the Exersaucer, his attention span is growing which can sometimes allow his mother to do her homework before his dad gets home from work. It also helps so that his mom doesn't have to stay up until 2 am getting it done and turn around and get up at 5 am to get off to school. Well, maybe the 2am and 5 am haven't started yet, but she does get up a little after to school and she has been up until 1:30 on the weekend doing her homework. She is definitely feeling the pressure of school or at least her math class... Algebra... Yuck isn't the half of it for her.

I think we might need to nickname Jacob, spinner because he rotates himself all of the time so that he can see what he wants to see. It is pretty funny seeing him become pretzel like... ;)!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jacob Plays At The Pond In His Exersaucer

Jacob has been really starting to grow in the movement/moving realm. So, I spent a couple of hours last weekend putting his exersaucer together. He hasn't been in it too much, but was in it for the longest today. A couple of 10 - 15 minute sessions. He is really starting to get the hang of it, although as soon as the camera was turned on, he started being shy.

3-Month Photo Shoot - Edited

Here are the edited pictures from Jacob's 3-month photo shoot. If you looked at the other pictures, you won't miss anything by not looking at these. However, these look better... There are a few that are not edited, but I decided to put them up anyway because I don't think they were on the other photos, but I could be wrong.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jacob Is Teething!

No, Jacob doesn't have any teeth in yet, but it/they are coming in somewhere... Jacob's fussiness and drooling has been relieved on at least one occasion by Orajel and also by chomping down on a cold, wet washcloth. You can certainly tell that he wants to be a happy smiling boy, but that something just isn't right. He just needs to be entertained a little more now. His eating habits have also changed and are less than consistent. Sometimes he will take his 5 oz, other times 1 or 2 and sometimes 6. We think he is eating just enough to subside his hunger, but not enough to fill him up because he isn't feeling the best.

Friday will be Jacob's 4-month well baby visit with the doctor. This could make for an interesting time next weekend. Teething and four shots will make for one unhappy little boy. We'll just have to be playing with him that much more to get his mind off of things.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pay It Forward

Amy was between classes and decided to get her last book that is needed this semester. On the way to the bookstore, she saw a lady carrying many items and getting close to the entrance. Seeing that she would have an issue, Amy sped around her and opened the door for her. They lady was appreciative in saying "thank you" and Amy opened the second door which was also met with a thank you.

Amy saw the lady that she helped in the bookstore on a number of occasions during this trip and was exchanging pleasantries. Then the question came, "Are you going to be buying a book today?". Amy told her that she was indeed getting a book. The lady proceeded to tell Amy that she was legally blind and receives 50% off coupons for text books. For those that she doesn't use, she is to send back. There isn't any tracking on how many she uses, etc. and noted that Amy was very nice in helping her and seemed like a nice person, so she wanted to return a favor. The lady asked if Amy had cash (hee hee, for those that know Amy...) and of course she said, no, but there is an ATM around the corner and that she could get some. The lady said okay and went and paid for the book while Amy went to the ATM. Amy waited while the helpful lady got the book and the exchange was made. A big thank you goes out to whoever this mysterious lady is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Week Of Change

This is a week of getting into a new routine. Amy started class on Tuesday and is working on getting into a new routine. I am too as I am getting up earlier as well so that I can feed and/or scoop up Jacob and get him in his car seat while mom is getting herself ready to leave. The snow on the first day certainly didn't help make adjusting to the new routine run smoothly. Between the weather and unexpected traffic, Amy was a little late for her first day of school which starts at 8 am... There should have been enough time, but adjustments have been made so that she is right on time in the future.

I think Amy did pretty well being away from her son for an extended period of time. The first day of class was the longest Amy has been separated from Jacob. If you ask her, I am sure she will tell you that it was one of the longest days of her life. The day got even longer when some other rather big issues surfaced pertaining to her schooling. Initial thoughts were that graduation would need to be moved and our carefully thought out plan would go to wayside. We are still working through some issues, but feel that postponement of graduation may not need to happen. More later once the issue(s) is/are resolved...

Jacob hasn't been sleeping quite through the night like he had been for a few weeks. There has been some increased fussiness of which we believe could be related to teething. No, he doesn't have any teeth and his gums aren't red, yet. Another thought is that he is starting to eat more and just plain 'ol may be getting hungry. Of course, it could be attributed to the apron strings being stretched and not having him mom at his side 24/7. Obviously, his world has turned upside down in his eyes. He's probably thinking, why am I going shopping and out to lunch with Grandma and Great Aunt Bessie? I'm sure this is why he is definitely checking/watching his mom and dad a lot more often and not wanting to take his eyes off of us.

The first day of class could have definitely gone better, but it could be a lot worse too. We will just continue adjusting as we go along...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

3 Month Photos - In The Raw

They are HERE!! A selection of Jacob's 3 month pictures are ready for your viewing pleasure. These photos are right out of the camera and onto the internet. Jacob was quite the trooper as it only took two sessions to get all of what was shot. Although, the majority of them were shot in one night. He seems to have really gotten used to that bright thing that keeps making his eyes close... ;)! Jacob has definitely grown in the past few months... It will be very interesting to see how much bigger he gets in the next 3 months when mom has scheduled the bedroom for the next photo shoot.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Last Week Of Solely Being With Jacob

This past week has been the last week of mom and Jacob spending time together during the week. Next week will be interrupted on Tuesday and Wednesday with mom attending school.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not Much Going On THIS Week

There hasn't really been all that much going on this week. Jacob has been a little less than his normal jovial self at times, but that is only to be expected as we all can get cranky at times. He is definitely drooling more and some bumps have been found on his gums, but not teeth to report. It is still early, but teeth at this age have been known to happen. Amy was reminded that her sister Abby had her first tooth at 4 months. So, we have some anbesol on hand in case we need it.

Jacob does let some good giggles and some squeals out when his dad plays with him. He has been giggling so much at times that he forgets to breathe so dad has to back off. Mom hasn't been able to get him to do it until recently, but it doesn't sound like it is still as good... Jacob and his mom definitely have a GREAT bond, so it is nice to know that dad can get a response that his mom doesn't... Dad feels left out at times when Jacob would kick mom and everyone else, but dad could feel and he would smile at mom, but not at dad. Dad is hoping that this means the bond is getting stronger between Jacob and him too!!!

On a side note, Jacob's 3-month pictures have been modified and sized and are ready to print now. The raw photos are uploaded and ready for display once the better photos are printed. If dad gets time, he may upload the enhanced photos as well.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Does Size Really Matter?

The question you always here is does size really matter? How many times have you heard that it doesn't... ;)! Well, I think it does when it comes to diapers!! Jacob graduated a couple of months ago from newborns to stage 1. Although his weight indicates he should be stage 2 now, we have been trying to use the last few stage 1 diapers. Yes, he is officially in stage 2 though. We just thank our lucky stars when he doesn't have a "blow out" to clean up. We are also stretching the 3-month/0-3 month clothing as well. There are some items that he shouldn't be wearing, but mom is having a hard time parting with some of her favorites. His body is definitely compared to his dad's right now with shorter legs and longer torso. However, this isn't always the case when you compare pants to onesies... Sometimes it makes you wonder if there are different specifications for different articles of clothing. Nonetheless, we are merging into the world of 3-6 month/6 month clothing now, once again rearranging his closet and drawers.

Friday, January 4, 2008

6 More Years!

I know this blog has been mostly about Jacob, but I thought I would share a little tidbit about what happened to me during GLI last weekend. Many of you know that I was in a fraternity while in college and have been pretty active with the alumni association, etc. My recent term as a member of the Board of Trustees expired recently. There were elections to select a total of five seats that expired. The good news is that I was one of the incumbents that was re-elected to another six-year term. Not being sure whether or not I was going to be re-elected since there were 13 great nominees, I wasn't thinking about whether or not I would run to fill an officer position. Well, I was nominated and elected to be our Vice President for the next two years. I have been secretary and president in the past, so I plan to bring the same "gusto" to the position of vice president.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Little Graduation... ;)!

As you probably read earlier, there was an issue with Jacob having gas a few weeks ago and we started putting him to "sleep" on his stomach. Everything that we have read and all of the doctors and nurses have really stressed not putting him on his stomach, so it made us a little gun shy in putting him to sleep this way. The reason I have been noting sleep and not bed is because mom just couldn't get past what the professionals have been telling us.Putting Jacob to bed was compromised at first to setting up the pac n play in the living room and letting him sleep there while mom was on her vigil from the couch. The first night was spent with my peeking over the side eagle-eyed making sure that Jacob was doing okay. She awoke a couple of times in intense fear of what she would find on the other side of the pac n play... A huge relief fell over her as she found Jacob sleeping comfortably every time. Over the next week, yes week, mom would sleep next to Jacob and was gradually gaining more confidence that everything would be okay and was beginning to gain more sleep.

On a side note, the day after we started putting Jacob on his stomach to sleep, a friend of Abby's shared a story that had just happened to a person close to him (I don't remember now, but I think it was his sister-in-law). This family had a 4-month old that was born 2 months early and passed away within the past few months from SIDS. This made Amy's feelings even more intense about Jacob still sleeping on his back. An autopsy was done and found that the baby had died due to asphyxia. After some investigation, there were blankets, etc. in the crib that may have been the cause.

After about a week of Amy sleeping on the couch with Jacob next to here, dad put the kabosh to this and made a change. It wasn't the change he wanted, but another compromise was made and Jacob's mom was now sleeping in her bed while Jacob was in his pac n play in the room. This went on for about another week before it was decided to start putting him in his crib. He has now been sleeping in his crib for about 4 days now and has been doing great!!

The switch for Jacob to sleep on his stomach drastically increased his sleeping time immediately. He started sleeping 8-10 hours a night without waking up. There has been an occasion where he has awaken to be fed, but was filled up and went right back to sleep. With the holiday travels over, we are back on a schedule and are feeling great about his graduation to the crib.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!

Happy New Year to all of our friends and families!! We wish everyone a safe and happy 2008!!

Amy and I are looking forward to watching Jacob go through a mulitude of changes in 2008. There has been so many changes already in his short 3 months. He has reached many little milestones like seeing him smile for the first time to noticing us moving around and looking to find where we are because he hears his mommy and/or daddy's voices.

This year will find Amy graduating late summer and hopefully finding a job quickly, Jacob crawling and walking and many family camping trips. We are excited about the many changes that will be taking place in our home and careers this year.


A Relaxing New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve this year was spent relaxing with some friends and their kids. It was good that we planned a subtle evening as Amy was still sick with her cold, but did start to recover some. Unfortunately, there were others that were not able to attend the festivities because either they themselves were sick or their children were. We hope Michael has recovered from his reaction to amoxycillin. It's bad enough that he and his sisters had strep, but to also have a reaction doesn't make for a nice vacation.

A unique tradition was initiated by Frank and Michele a few years ago to help keep the kids up and entertained for New Year's Eve. The idea is to start the night earlier (5-6 or s0) and then have the ball (balloons this year) drop at 9:00. After all, the kids a few years ago were able to tell time and didn't know the difference. This year's "kid's midnight" was about 9:33 pm as Mr. Frank and the kids started the countdown from 10...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Kiddie champagne was shared by the kids and the real mojo was shared by the adults. Jacob was a little too young to join in this year, but as long as the tradition holds, he may will be able to join in next year. Let's hope the older kids can hang in there a little longer for the smaller kids. There was some discussion about how it wasn't really 2008 yet because it wasn't after midnight. It was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean though... ;)!

After the kiddie midnight, we were treated to a show written by Emilia. It was great fun to see all of them have a part in the "play". They even had it down to having credits after the show. Way to go Emilia, Gabriela, Massimo, Brian, Lauren, Toby, Xander, Connor and Allision!!

The evening concluded as the snow started flying, so pretty much everyone loaded up and headed on home (not because of the snow as that was only a coincidence). We arrived at home just in time to get Jacob and his gear in the house and turn the tv on to see the ball fall in Times Square. It was nice ending to a great evening shared with friends.