Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Let's Go Tech!!
Posted by
10:22 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Jacob's Three Month Dr. Appointment
Jacob is doing great as he is getting bigger and gaining weight. His weight and height on right on the average line. He is now 13 pounds, 5-1/2 ounces and 24-1/4 inches long. The only issue that keeps occurring is gunk in his eyes and more so in his right. We thought that maybe the increase was due to him being a little sick since his mom and dad are. The doctor said that he has probably developed an infection and a resistance to the type of drops were using. So, a new prescription was written and filled. We may be fighting this for up to 9 months while the tear duct is clogged. It is possible that we may need to go to an opthamalogist to have the tear ducts cleaned out, but the doctor said that it is rare.
One thing that we have noticed in the last week or so, maybe two is that Jacob is definitely drooling often. Although babies start getting teeth around 6 months on average, it also common to have teeth come in as early as 4 months. So, I guess we just wait and see what happens. It is really hard to believe that our son may have his first tooth in a month!!! Things are definitely going by quickly and he seems to grow right before our eyes. Many have said they don't stay small for long and we have always agreed, but until you see a baby on a daily basis, you don't really realize the full meaning of the comment.
Oh, yes, Jacob did get a shot, but only one this time. At his 4-month appointment, he will have a replay of last month and get 4 shots again. He has been a little out of sorts today, but not near as bad as when he had the 4 shots. It could be because of the shot, but we think there is still some recovering going on from Christmas.
SO!!! Whew!!! Now I think I am all caught up with goings on of the Holidays so far. Nope, they aren't over yet though... We are heading to my mom's tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with her and my brother's family. Signing off for now...
Posted by
6:42 PM
AAAAaaaahhhhh!!!!! A Day Of Relaxation!!!
Posted by
10:01 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Night
Upon our arrival, we were greeted at the door with many Holiday greetings and congratulations as this was the first time that many of our relatives met Jacob. We quickly moved to a room that was off the beaten path so there would be less commotion. We didn't mean to intentionally hide out, but it seemed to have just worked out that way. It made it a little easier to keep an eye on Jacob too!!
Jacob was definitely a hot commodity to be held and talked to. Yep, he was literally hot. Okay, so part of it was because of the wood burner, but we thought some of it might be Jacob getting sick too. We stripped him down to his diaper which immediately put a smile once again on Jacob's face. He enjoys getting naked for some reason... This held Jacob's fussiness off for a little longer, but you could tell he was done with being overstimulated. Jacob was definitely not feeling like himself as he was wimpering a bit and needed some time alone. We would have loved to had stayed much longer, but with mom definitely being sick and needing rest (dad not too far behind her), we made the tough decision to call it an earlier night than anticipated and headed home. Many understood and were surprised we even made the trek down there. It is something that we look forward to and wouldn't have missed even for bad weather...
So on the road home once again... Just as the night before, Jacob was ready to just be home and fought falling asleep for about 20 minutes before he succumbed. Fortunately, it wasn't the 40 minutes it took from the night before on the way back from Ohio. We were able to get home in a timely manner, but still had some difficulty calming him down and getting him to sleep. After a couple of hours, he was able to sleep the night away.
We wish to apologize to those in Monroe that we didn't get to say hi, much less good bye to as we snuck out the front door for an unplanned get away. (We intended to go through the group to say good bye, but Kookie offered the front door as an easier way out. Thanks Kookie!)
Posted by
6:21 PM
Jacob's First Christmas Morning/Afternon
Time to head for Grandma's house and their traditional Southern breakfast on Christmas, so Jacob didn't get to open the gifts Santa had left for him. Jacob was none the wiser this year as he was just hanging out and caring about where his next bottle was coming from. I'm sure he will understand a little more about what is going on next year.
The breakfast was great as usual just as everyone has become to know and love. After the feast, we shared our gifts and enjoyed each others company. To everyone's shagrin, the visiting didn't last near long enough as we needed to get home and the sister-in-law's family also had other engagements to attend as well.
Surprise, Jacob didn't really know why all of these colored papers were flying all over the place, in his lap and his "Frankie dog" was beebopping presents around him. Frankie definitely understands what Christmas means though, after all, she is 13-1/2 years old (no, not dog years... ;)!). It means if she can get through a little bit of paper, she gets the goodies. This year was much better as Santa brought her chocolate chip and vanilla creme filled cookies (don't worry, they are dog friendly!).
Jacob did enjoyed opening gifts as there were a few smiles from him. It wasn't long and he was out like a light for only about 10 minutes though... There was just too much to see in the living room of "babydom". Dad worked on putting some stuff together eventhough Jacob is a little too small for much of it, but it won't be long and he will be too old for it.
Posted by
4:40 PM
On The Road Again!!
The trip to Ohio was made so that Jacob could spend Christmas Eve with his cousins and grandpa. Fortuantely, we didn't have to deal with any "weather" like we did for the last trip at Thanksgiving... It was nice late afternoon/evening. Gifts and pleasantries were exchanged.
After dinner, who would have thought that a part of "Twas The Night Before Christmas" could really become a reality with Sydney and Colton. Their dad, Jerry was the first to make a comment that there must be something wrong because we didn't here them. Colton received a Lego swamp boat. Colton's potentially future engineering sister was taking her time putting it together while Colton closely watched and took note on what his older sister was doing. Sydney was doing a great job and paying attention to detail. She wasn't able to get it done before we all had to leave and make the trek back home, but it definitely gave new meaning to "...not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..." Yes, Santa did come the next morning to reward their great behavior :D!!
Posted by
10:54 AM
Second Day Of Holiday Travel
Posted by
9:59 AM
The First Of Many...
The kids were very anxious to meet Jacob as Jill's sister lives next door and was at her mom's as well. We pulled into the driveway and we could here the girls screaming "The baby's here! The baby's her!". It wasn't long and they saw the baby and proceeded back outside to continue enjoying the snow before it melted.
It was very nice to see Jill, Spencer, Alan, Madison, Emma, Allison, Jeff, Joy, Joel, Phil, Vicki, Ralph and Sandy. Emma was the youngest and the most into Jacob. I think it was because she was between Jacob's age and all of the older kids were having bigger kid type fun. Emma was cute as she loved to kiss on Jacob and was very gentle. Emma is three years old, while the rest of the kids are at least twice her age.
Thanks for the hospitality and we wish you safe and happy travels home!!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cruisin' The Metro Area
Posted by
7:45 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Jacob's First Christmas Pictures
Why didn't we cross our fingers and hope that Jacob wouldn't be fussy and would be a very happy boy at the right time so we could get great pictures? Simply because we are able to take pictures in our own bedroom. Yes, our bedroom may be a mess for a few days because of the equipment all over, but it allows us to have a few mini shoots while Jacob is "cooperating". This potentially avoids all of the turmoil of bundling up and heading out to a local business and can also potentially save money too! Not making any sense yet?!?! We are taking advantage of putting together our own studio. Only drawback that we found is not having some one behind the camera instead of everyone in front of it can cause the need for more pictures to be taken. It still beats waiting beyond our scheduled time and hoping Jacob cooperates. We also then have all the rights to the pictures so that we can do whatever we wish with them.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Jacob Sees Snow!
Posted by
6:46 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Jacob Attends His First B-day Party
Jacob was a real trooper all the way there and didn't make a peep. There were many little crashes along the way, but he kept his stride and didn't fear daddy's driving... It took us longer than the norm, but we made it safely.
All had a good time!! The kids really enjoyed running around zapping each other in the maze of glowing darkness. Oh wait!! What's this taller kid doing? Is it... maybe, um... Is it really...?!?! Yep, it is Amy getting challenged by Sydbear to a game of Dance Revolution. I won't say who won, but the dancin' fool Amy was scored 'F' on each of her rounds (oaky, so I have been corrected... She scored a 'C-' on her final attempt). In all fairness, she wasn't usually paying attention to the game and didn't know how it worked until the 3rd round. She was too busy watching Jacob smilin' and winkin' at her on the sidelines. Just wait Jacob, mom has been known to have a LOUD cheer... ;)!
After the party, we went out to a Chinese dinner and then headed home. By this time, the roads were pretty good and not filled with too many slow pokes... It was a nice adventurous day out in the snow....
Posted by
1:26 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Oh What A Night!
Right after the company left, Jacob decided he no longer needed to be polite as he began to scream bloody murder!! He wasn't really acting hungry, but was working on chewing his fists some. It was about time for him to eat, so we tried even though we knew the scream was something different and that he was not feeling well. We did give him some gas drops thinking that that might be it. They didn't really seem to help, but if this was gas, it was the worst he has had it since he was about four or five days old. He did seem to settle down a bit, but we think it was just because he was TOTALLY exhausted. So, we decided to finally sit down and watch "Hairspray" that we borrowed from Amy's mom...
We started watching "Hairspray" and were about 10 minutes into it when another episode of uncontrollable crying began. This time it was just as bad or worse. We again tried bouncing Jacob and even used the inverted arm hold (not sure what it is called, but I am doing it in the picture). This went on for quite some time and we started pulling books out and going online. We also notice that he has been drooling a little more. Also, when we tried feeding him, he would gag and not want the bottle at all... And don't even think about a pacifier... That flew across the room before we could even get it near him. After about 45 minutes of bouncing him around and me singing Christmas Carols to him (no comment... and yes, the neighborhood dogs were just a howling pleading with me to stop ;)!) Jacob finally settled down again. He started settling down just after Amy said let's take him to urgent care. Although Jacob has never been there, it was what he needed to hear.
After taking over 4 hours to watch a 2 hour movie, it was a little after midnight and the questions arose about what to do for the night. Amy, of course, was holding him and didn't want to put him down because she was afraid that he would wake up. We have been working to get him to sleep in his crib for longer periods and although he was sick, I thought we should at least try to put him in it because he was so tired and so was Amy. After some discussion, I forced Amy to put Jacob in the pac 'n play in the living room. We decided that we would keep him on his stomach because that had been the only way we could appease him. Mom didn't really like the idea, but she has recently told me to be a little more firm on things, so I did... I think she knew I was right, but still wanted to be an overly cautious mother.
Amy was paranoid about Jacob sleeping on his belly overnight. So, she was on the couch watching him all night to make sure that he was still breathing. Her fear has been instilled in us by doctors, nurses, books, etc. that this is one of the reasons SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) occurs. Jacob was layed down a little after midnight and then woke up at 6:50 am because he was hungry. So, Jacob slept the night through for the first time while Amy didn't get a wink (well, okay she dozed off twice for about a half hour and woke up freaked out wondering what she would see...).
I'm sure we will be discussing what to do for tonight, but I am thinking Jacob will be sleeping somewhere on his stomach while mom is anxiously watching over him to make sure he is breathing. With giving Jacob many gas drops and finally getting relieved, we think it was just a really bad bout of gas. We are going to give him gas drops as a precaution and will go from there...
Posted by
10:58 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Busy Time Of The Year!
Jacob has really changed in the last week and a half or so. He has definitely found his hands and very much likes sticking them in his mouth. He has also started to grab onto things like rattles, fingers, etc. and working on putting them in his mouth. His alertness and following/hearing mom and dad's voices has become greatly more noticeable. He has also been moving his head back and forth rather rapidly at times to check out places that he hasn't seen before. He seems to be very inquisitive of things.
Jacob is remembering what is coming next. The good things like hearing the bottle getting shaken when he is hungry and crying. He really calms down when he hears and sees what is going on and patiently waits because he knows what is coming next. He also remembers the bad like getting drops in his eyes. He has been starting to put his hands/fists in his eyes when the drops are a comin'...
Amy and I were joking about not blogging in a while and that of some of you may be going through withdrawals... You know who you are... ;)! Amy wanted me to wait, but I felt the need to make some time and get something new added. Stay tuned for some Christmas photos that we have spending time on this week. Amy and I are torn about putting any of them up because we would like the Christmas cards to be the first time you see, one, two or many of what we have taken... So stay tuned for pictures to be revealed some time in the future... Maybe even before Christmas... :-P!!
Posted by
8:58 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Elf Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Posted by
3:30 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Jacob Gets Bit!
So, off to the doctor Jacob and mom went. He was pretty fussy until the doctor came in and wasn't fussy until she left. Mom thinks he has a crush on her ;)!
Jacob was checked out and his lungs and assured mom that Jacob is fine and the weasing is just noises coming from deep down. Sometimes these noises can sound like weasing, but is nothing to worry about. The doctor was surprised that his rash in different areas is still there. What she didn't know is that it did go away, but has come back. Once again, she noted that Jacob has sensitive skin and is something that we will be struggling with. This wasn't anything we were worried about, but she did suggest another over-the-counter ointment that we can use and also told us that we can grease him up more often, especially in the drier months. Jacob's eyes are also pretty goopy still and has a mild infection in his eyes causing the goop. Once again, partly due to his tear ducts still not being fully developed. So, we are back to putty drops in his eyes four times a day, for seven days. Also, Jacob was weighed and is now 12 lbs, 7 oz.
Jacob has been awake most of the day today even with being sick. He did take a nap of daddy's chest for close to an hour this evening, but has been hanging out on the floor for about the last hour. Hopefully, he will be getting tired soon, so that everyone can head to bed for at least three hours...
Posted by
10:02 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hanging Out Under The Tree
Posted by
9:41 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
What's Jacob Doing?
Jacob is currently fighting to not get a cold. His eyes have been red and puffy a bit and definitely goopy! It may be a losing battle as it appears he may have already been bitten by the cold bug.
A couple of days ago, Jacob had his first boogie. Mom was proud as it was a good one...
Only other news is that mom is working with Jacob on the floor and working with him to push off of her so that he scoots along the floor on his back. It is the distance that you are thinking, but it does turn him on occasion. He has also turned a little in his crib as well.
Posted by
8:48 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Quite The Ladies Man...
Posted by
9:00 PM
A Good Luck To New Beginnings!!
Posted by
6:00 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Jacob Goes To Work!
Posted by
10:40 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Two Month Pediatrician Check-up
So, we got Jacob changed and started feeding him before we left. Then continued in the waiting room and everywhere else we could try and get the rest of the feeding in. He was a very happy baby making a lot smiles at daddy (so much so that mommy was getting a little jealous). There was even a glint in Jacob’s eye of look at what I can do daddy as he was flailing his arms and legs all over the place very rapidly.
The nurse came in and took some measurements. Jacob is now a whole 23-1/2 inches long and weighed in at 12 pounds, 1 ounce. Not that this is something to keep track of, but his head is 16 inches in circumference and his chest measures 15 inches. This means that Jacob is a little above normal in his height and weight for his age. The height stayed in line over the past 1-1/2 months and his weight has caught up to normal as he was only in the 25th percentile at the previous check-up (now basically a little over 50%).
From what the doctor says, it sounds like we are just going to have a child with sensitive skin and are continuing to work on keeping him scaleless. Mom does a great job of lubing Jacob up with his different ointments suggested by the various doctors and we just need to continue. Babies normally grow out of this by six months. The doctor did say since the cradle crap is basically all over his body that he may be more sensitive for longer and something that we will just need to be aware of/control. It looks like he may be like his dad a bit. We were told not to use anything scented on him to help with his skin. Dad doesn’t get any rashes, but he is affected by scents.
So far, so good!! Jacob was still happy with the nurse’s and the doctor’s exam… Da, da, da, dummmmmm…. Now it was time for the nurse to come back in… DOOMSDAY!! Yep, time for those much awaited pokers of pain… The shots!! Jacob received 2 shots in each thigh. The first two weren’t too bad, but the final two REALLY got Jacob mad. The first couple forced mom into tears and the nurse even asked if she was alright. Mom said she was. She did better than I thought she would though. Good job mom!! I was going to get Jacob all dressed back up and hold him, etc., but I could tell mom would feel a lot better if she was able to hold him first. He did settle down a bit, but it really wasn’t until I got him into his carrier and started swinging it that he really calmed down.
Jacob’s check-up went well as everything is normal with just some sensitive skin. We will be headed back to the doctor for a 3-month checkup the week of Christmas.
Posted by
12:46 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving II
This is the first trip that we brought any toys with us because there really hasn't been a need. Jacob still doesn't pl

After some time went by and Jacob was asleep on my chest, Uncle Rob asked if he could hold him. Of course, I said he could right away. I think he might have been a little timid with such a little one because I know I was before Jacob came along, but he was a real trooper. Jacob continued to sleep on Uncle Rob's chest as he was on mine. This is the first time Uncle Rob has held him, so a job well done! Aunt Lynn and Grandma also took turns of course!
I was getting pretty tired and we figured we could make a mad dash home between feedings and Jacob would be home and we could wake him up so that he would sleep tonight. So we loaded up and headed out... to be continued...
Posted by
9:47 PM
Jacob Meets Santa
A few days ago there was some discussion about heading to Frankenmuth for a few items and more specifically, Bronners. We decided that we didn't have time this past weekend and weren't sure if we would be able to get there, so the thought was set aside
After backing out of my brothers' driveway and starting to head home, the topic of Frankenmuth came up again. There wasn't much time because they close at 5:30, but we knew what we wanted to get so it shouldn't take long. This definitely wasn't something planned as we just wanted to be home, but we were closer to Bronner's than we were home, so we bit the bullet and went. Once we got there, we found out that they were actually open until 7:00, so we had much more time to check things out...
We did most, if not all of our shopping, but needed to wait for a few things to be completed and Jacob decided it was time for him to eat. So, of course there was no delay in getting him fed so that he could be happy again. While we were feeding Jacob, I noticed through a window that Santa was there seeing little boys and girls. I strolled ov

Jacob was a little fussy waiting, but not too bad. He was able to be consoled. Jacob was a real trooper with the man dressed in red. I'm not sure he knew what to make of the bearded man, but he sat there like a pro with a look of concern. Jacob was the last to see Santa for the day, so an elf offered to take a family picture with Santa. Of course, we said yes!!!
In hind sight, Amy wishes Jacob would have had a different outfit on, but we weren't planning on going to Frankenmuth or seeing Santa. We might need to go see Santa again, but I don't think Jacob will mind if we just stick with what we have already...

Posted by
9:46 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
I will let you in on one stop though. It was only for lunch so there is nothing to giveaway here, except for a low budget dinner or lunch. We went to Ci-ci's which is an all-you-can-eat pizza restaurant. They have salad, pizza, pasta and dessert for the low price of $4.99 per adult (over 10) and then about $1.65 or so for a drink other than water. Amy and I weren't expecting much, but the salad bar was great and there was a wide variety of pizzas. Anthing from pepperoni, to ham and pineapple, to even mac n' cheese. This was probably the most "different", but was surprisingly not that bad. If you haven't of heard of this place before, we went to the one by Oakland Mall that just opened on Monday. Not a priority on the pizza list, but it was hot, fast and pleasantly surprising.
The big reason that there was much success in shopping we feel was due to the lack of people shopping. We didn't have to wait in line much if at all anywhere and we were able to find/know whether or not what we were looking for was still available. Many lots were not full or as full as we would have expected for them to be either. Eleven stores, plus lunch and one attempt at a store that is now close, not bad for 6 hours, eh? I think we cruised along pretty well for not having a plan when we left the house... It was a lot of getting in and out of the truck, but we had it down. I would get the stroller out and Amy would get Jacob. On the way out, I would put Jacob in while Amy put the goods in and sometimes folded the stroller and I would put the stroller in the truck while she was getting in. We can't tell you how much we got done, but let's just say it was a lot...
Posted by
7:27 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Jacob And Thanksgiving...
Posted by
8:50 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Posted by
9:57 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
7 Weeks Old
Posted by
3:49 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Big Changes For Amy...
Many of you may know that Amy has been working toward her associate’s degree in human services on and off for a few years. She is currently taking an online class at Washtenaw Community College as a part of our plan. Taking a class this semester was a tough decision, but has worked out for the most part. It has been challenging at times for her, but overall I think she is handling it all pretty well. I can’t speak from experience on how a woman feels during pregnancy or just after having a baby, but Amy was able to get through it without missing much. I think at times she was a little too optimistic about how much she could get done at the last second, but she has learned to budget her time a little more wisely.
Taking a class here and there hasn’t been an issue in the past for Amy and me. Through our discussions we have also decided that now would be a great time for Amy to go to school full time. It was determined that by going full time for one semester and then taking her internship along with one or two classes, she could be done with her schooling in two semesters. So as long as scheduling classes works out, Amy will be graduating in the summer and will then be looking for a job close to home.
Amy and I will be making one last official trek back to Danmar so that she can clean out her desk, etc. and also attend a gathering after hours so that those who wish can wish her good luck on her future. This will be a bittersweet day of saying “see you later”, and not goodbye…
Posted by
9:41 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Mission Impossible... Accomplished!!
The plan was to take the mother/child pendant once the baby, who we now know as Jacob, was born and we/I knew the official month of birth to get his birthstone added to the pendant. I wasn't sure how this would work, but was told that the mother has to take all of her jewelry off during the delivery and I could take in to the store then and could have it back in a couple of days...
I'm not sure how this was still really a secret at this point, but fortunately mom was still in the dark or just forgot because of her baby brain ;)! We needed to get our jewelry cleaned and checked. The store manager recognized me and the pendant and came over along with many others that night and said that Amy needed to get a stone in it... I wanted to get out of there faster than a fraidy cat with a ghost following it on Halloween!!! I thought for sure my cover would be totally blown and now it would be Amy's idea. The saving grace was that Jacob's due date was right between months. So, we were able to get out of there unharmed.
Now for the birth... Amy did not have to take off any of her jewelry including the necklace and some earrings. What to do? What to do...???? I know, I will ask Amy's sister to help!! Well, either right before or right after the birth, Amy made a comment that she was very glad to have the mother/child pendant that she could wear since she couldn't/wasn't allowed to wear her wedding ring and that there was NO way that she was taking it off. The day after the birth came a prime opportunity for Abby to ask Amy to take it off and without any hesitation, a firm "NO!!" came from Amy. So, I backed off and figured I would work something out after everyone went home from the hospital.
A few days passed and I gave in and told Amy what I wanted to do. After a few more days went by, we went in and got the estimate, etc. I was a little frustrated because the couple of days turned into a couple of weeks, etc. However, we now have the updated piece of jewelry in hand.
Amy had no idea all of the stuff/stories that I had about the whole ordeal. She was very touched with all of the effort that I put into her pendant/necklace after I told her and just couldn't believe all of what went on... Here is the final (although a little dirty) product...

Posted by
7:26 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pediatrician Follow-Up Appointment
The new formula seems to be okay with the little dude, but the relief of #2 seems to be a little difficult, but the doctor wasn’t concerned. Soy milk does causes “things” to be a little more solid. Amy and I had already talked about this after doing some more research (Amy did…) and started feeling that the gun may have been jumped last week when the formula was changed. So, we are going to finish up the soy stuff we have and go back to the Nestle Good Start. If there is another situation, then we will just get back to the soy on our own. Amy would rather not have him pop out an eye ball because he is pushin’ so hard for #2.
Not sure if anyone has noticed because the pictures can be a little bit difficult to decipher, but Jacob has had some redness and funky skin on his cheeks which has spread to behind his ears, etc. We also noticed that he had/has cradle cap or “crap” as Amy would say. What we didn’t know was that cradle crap doesn’t just show up on a baby’s head. It can be on his face, etc. So, Jacob has cradle crap on his cheeks, ears, chin, head, etc. Never fear, mom was on the on the trail already and purchased exactly what the doctor was going to suggest. It is a Eucerin product for babies.
Jacob also has some baby acne slightly above his private area, so we are to put Desitin on that. Basically what I am trying to say is that Jacob is just one big slime ball when he gets all lathered up in all of his goo!!!
So, everything seems to be going right along with the flow without any big issues. Let’s hope that we can stay out of the doctor’s office until his 2 month appointment in a couple of weeks.
Posted by
10:12 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
3 Weeks Revisited
Jacob got his second bath tonight where he wasn't screaming bloody murder through the whole ordeal. He seems to be getting used to being back in liquid again. Actually, he hasn't relieved himself in the water the last two times either. No, I definitely not saying he is getting potty trained by any means or even knows not to pee in the water. I am just saying that it was nice not to have to pull him out of the water almost immediately or rinse him off EXTREMELY well!!! :)!
Tomorrow is the follow-up doctor visit for Jacob with the new formula. Things seem to be going better and we are now pretty much always giving him four ounces and one occasion even five. He is definitely filling out, but doesn't seem to look like a "porker"... or at least not yet!! Mom has some questions for the doctor that we might as well ask while we are there. So stop back late tomorrow to see how the visit went...
Posted by
9:44 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Smile At Daddy?
Well, it is only a little smile kinda sorta, but it is a start to something bigger...
Posted by
11:04 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
6 Weeks Already...
Jacob is beginning to get a little interested in toys, but isn't quite there in understanding the concept yet. He is definitely beginning to show his personality and looks like he will be following in his mom's footsteps at a young age. He really enjoys being entertained and active, which is why we are looking forward to him playing with toys and hopefully being able to entertain himself on occasion. This will all come with time.
The formula situation at this point seems to have worked itself out, but we still have a few days to really know for sure. He is definitely becoming a bigger eater as we are on the doorstep of giving him 4 ounces when he eats. 3 ounces every hour and 45 minutes just isn't cutting it anymore... So, we have been alternating between 3 and 4 ounces depending on how long we would like him to sleep. Yes, he is a pretty good sleeper and is difficult to wake up. It won't be long and mom and I, well mostly mom, will be able to sleep most of the night, if not all (well, okay 5-6 hours...).
We are definitely enjoying our little/getting no so little dude. You always hear "enjoy them as much as you can because they grow up so quickly..." It is really true as I/we can now relate. It is already somewhat difficult to remember how small he really was only six weeks ago. Good thing we took a lot of pictures, eh? LOL!!!
Posted by
10:03 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New Formula Status
Posted by
12:05 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
You Don't Want To Be That Parent...
Jacob had a rough night last night and some of the late afternoon yesterday. This morning was no different and he became extremely worse about 8:15 am. Jacob was unconsoleably screaming and went on and on until about 10:15 am when mom decided that something must be wrong because his crying was different and a mess hadn't been found in the rear of his diaper for at least 12 hours which has not been the norm. Mom called the pediatrician to see if there was something that she could do or what it might be. Some checking was done and there wasn't an opening. The person who answered the phone went away and came back and by that time, Jacob had started his episode again. The office person said "Oh my, he shouldn't be screaming like that!". With that she said to bring him in and they would be sure to have a doctor see him.
Mom loaded them up and were off to the doctor in 15 minutes. Upon arrival, mom was asked who was there to seem them and she said Jacob. She responded with "Oh, he quieted right down to come to the doctor's office..." That's all Jacob needed to hear as he quickly became loud once again.
It didn't take long for the doctor to see Jacob. He asked some questions about the introduction of the formula from the last visit and whether or not he was/has still been getting breast milk (which he has been). The doctor checked Jacob's stomach and found it to be distended. So, basically, the formula Jacob was put on the last time he was at the doctor wasn't the right kind, so we have now been introduced to Enfamil Prosobee which is more of a soy formula. The prior formula just wasn't being digested well.
Jacob is doing much better this evening, but is still having a little bit of a trying night. He is definitely alleviating some gas troubles with tooting and belching. He is making his mommy proud.... ;)!! Mom is to completetly cut out any dairy products until she is finished with breastmilk production. The doctor didn't say that Jacob is necessarily lactose intolerant, but we are just going a different route because his digestive system just might not be as tolerant of some formulas yet. Jacob is scheduled for a follow-up visit next Tuesday. It takes about a week for a baby's body to let you know whether or not it agrees...
Oh, by the way, Jacob is 9 lbs, 15 ounces.
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7:40 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
M vs MSU Football Party!!
Here is Jacob getting into his pregame warm so that he is focused for the game...
Jacob can be fussy when Michigan is not doing well... The day started off with a trip to grandma's house followed by a quick stop at home and off to the party. All the while we were on the road Jacob basically slept the day away and was very content. Even after getting to the party, he was sound asleep while the women were anxiously awaiting him to wake up so that they could see his eyes and hold him.
The game is now nearing the end of the 3rd quarter and going into the 4th when Jacob became "unsettled". Jill and Michele took turns along with mom and dad trying to console the newest Wolverine fan in the group. Fortunately, the Wolverines started rallying and we were able to console Jacob. Thanks Michele for taking a loooonger turn in using your motherly ways to calm him down. I'll bet you didn't think a little guy like that could/would spit up so much/so many times... Thanks Jill for letting Michele snag a shirt to use!!!!
After the game was over, a round of Happy Birthday was sung to the old man who was requested to sit in the family birthday chair. I was honored to sit in such a chair. There were many smiling kids who just couldn't wait to dive into the cake. There were many claiming dibs on the football!!
A great time was had by all by all and the best thing was that Michigan claimed victory once again. Maybe next year some poor lonely State fans will be brave enough to show their face(s)... Right Dorf?!?!?!
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10:49 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Lordy, Lordy Look Who's Forty!
Birthday morning started off with getting up with Jacob first thing (5:30 am) for his feeding and changing. Mom had been up a good amount of the night and needed a break. After a little while Jacob settled down, so we were off to the basement with Jacob in his bouncer to play a game of PS2. It was a morning with Jacob. After mom got some shut eye, she was off to do some errands. She could only stand being away from Jacob for an hour and was back, besides, her errands had been completed. This was only the second time that she had been away from Jacob since he was born.
Not wanting for anyone to make an "adult" lunch, dad decided he wanted to go out to eat. A burger was sounding good, so we loaded everyone up and were off to Fuddruckers. We waited until the lunch rush was over and were able to have most of the restaurant to our oruselves.
Back to home we went, where Amy gave me my presents. To my surprise, I received Lion's tickets for the game with the Giants on November 18th. She said that I could take a buddy and go. Without hesitation, I asked her to go with me. After all, she is my buddy so why would I think of anyone else???... So, if it works out, we will be going to the game together.
Not to settle for being 40 and everyone thinking it is old because I don't... Grandma came over to watch Jacob and Amy and I headed off to Great Lakes Crossing to hang out at Gameworks. We had fun just bee bopping around the different games and Amy was able to play one of her old time favorites, Frogger. We ate dinner at Benningans after changing our minds a few times because we didn't really want to wait anywhere. When dinner was over, we were asked if we wanted dessert and we both said no. Of course, Amy then persisted and said, "Are you sure that you don't want any dessert for your birthday?" Our waitress quickly asked, "It's your birthday? You have to get dessert!" So, after some discussion we decided to stay and share a dessert (it had ice cream and wouldn't have made the short distance home...) Oh boy!! I heard one clap and knew I was in for it. Amy asked, "What is that?"... Oh, I knew... Time to embarrass Doug!! Yep, before you knew it there were about 15 people around our table clapping and announcing it was my 40th. The harrassment wasn't too bad and it was cheap entertainment for the large table next to us with a lot of kids. Glad I could bring them some entertainment at my expense... ;)! It was pretty fun watching them clap along. A boy about 6 years old hollered over "Happy Birthday!!" after the singing was complete.
It was a great evening and mom did well knowing that mom and dad were both away from Jacob. She said the first half hour or so and then the last hour were the worst, but she was a real trooper and only called once... We had a great evening out for the first time by ourselves in 5 weeks.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My First Halloween!
After our visit with everyone at Danmar, we ventured down the road to grandma's house. I decided that I would be good at grandma's house at least today because it is her birthday. Grandma decided that she wanted to hog me a bit (I don't mind...) and she sent mommy and daddy upstairs to take a little nap. Grandma and I just hung out and chatted. Then we ate dinner and had some Boston Creme Pie that Grandpa Randy had made from scratch and were "On The Road Again..."
While we were walking around, I got to meet my Great Uncle Larry! I think he was surprised we stopped by to see him. We didn't get to chat too long because Syd and Coltman were starting to get a little tired out from all of the walking. It was still nice to at least stop by and meet him.
Back to Aunt Ab and Uncle Jer's house to help grandpa and grandma finish passing out candy to the trick or treaters. Grandma was passing so much out that she even had to raid Aunt Abby's stash so that she could make a few more kids happy. After we ran out of candy, it was time for birthday cake for Uncle Jerry, Grandma and Daddy's birthdays. After a round of "Happy Birthday", cake and ice cream, we loaded up and headed back home. I slept quite a bit so that everyone was able to have a good night. Now it is time for me to make up for it and keep mommy and daddy up all night... hee hee hee!!!! My "devil's night" a night late....
Posted by
10:08 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Halloween Party At Grandma's House
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10:32 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
4 Week Celebration
Jacob was 8 pounds, 9 ounces yesterday at the doctor and the doctors were happy with that.
Today was also a big day because he not only went out for dinner, mom and Jacob went shopping at the mall. Mom picked up her rings after they were sent out a for a grand cleaning. So, between the mall and dinner, we think there may be some good rest in the good 'ol crib and bed...
Posted by
9:16 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Jacob Goes To The Pediatrician
Jacob's eyes have continued to be gunky pretty regularly even with putting dropping in them three times a day since his two week appointment. Some days, they have been a lot worse than others. So, mom called the pediatrician today to see if she should take him in. The person that answered the phone basically said that based on the symptoms that the nurse/doctor would tell us to bring him in, so the appointment was made. Mom also had some breastfeeding questions and said when she came in they could discuss what has been going on...
So, off to the pediatrician mom and Jacob went. Basically, Jacob has clogged tear ducts and now instead of using the drops three times a day, he needs to get them four. It was also noted that we should only clean his eyes with a wet warm wash cloth and not to use any wipes or anything else to clean his eyes. This is somewhat common, but not as common as just putting the drops in three times a day. So, as long as it doesn't get worse, we won't need to take him back until his 2 month appoinment later next month. There was some discussion between mom and the doctor and how she has been coddling Jacoob and not taking care of herself. Dad can now say I told you so to mom as mom learned that dad's thoughts were right. Mom was doing what she thought was right for everyone, but dad started with some tough love and was getting prepared for even tougher love. I will let her type about that part of the appointment. Let's just say that there will be some changes in the next few days and mom will be taking better care of herself and dad will be even more persistent about it...
Here's a video of what has been happening for basically the last almost four weeks with the exception of a couple of nights...
Posted by
8:08 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Update On The Tadpoles
Derby Jackson (the boy) - 8:46 a.m. - 1 lb, 6.5 oz
Loen Rose (the girl) - 8:44 a.m. - 1 lb, 7 oz
Please keep the four of them in your thoughts and prayers, or as Tadd put it, anything you do to support them through this obviously difficult time.
There is hope as one of our older alumni from the fraternity responded back to Tadd's message with "If it will make you feel any better, and make you more hopeful, I was born about 16 weeks premature as well. This was back in 1944 when medical techniques weren't as sophisticated as they are today."
Posted by
9:40 PM
Hungry Or Tired?
We're going with tired since he wouldn't stay feeding. He is now VERY fussy and we are trying to calm him down. The video makes him look like an angel compared to now... ;)! Oh well, I guess it is just that time of the night.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Technology And Stuff...
Mom, dad, Jacob and Frankie have been attempting to go on a walk at least once a day while we can. On Sunday evening, we went a little over a mile and mom was fine. I think she might have gotten a little tired, but held up very well. Frankie, for being 13-1/2, didn't slow us down as much as the first few... She has regained her scents of the area and is not stopping to ponder as often. Hopefully, we can get a few more in before winter really kicks in, but that could be asking for a little too much.
Posted by
12:47 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Newest Michigan Fan Roots Them Onto Victory!!!
Jacob was a little fussy before the game started, but a quick hummation (okay, so I might of made up that word...) of the Victors (Michigan's fight song) and he was quickly quieted and content. Good thing mom didn't have the video camera out because I'm sure it was way out of tune... ;)! During the game he did get a little restless when Michigan wasn't scoring, but was quickly relieved and relaxed once Michigan started scoring. A big Michigan football thank you goes out to Rob and Julie for coming over with pizza to enjoy Jacob's first mini football taligate.
After doing some laundry to get ready for Michigan's next game against Minnestoa, we will be sure to get a picture of Michigan's newest fan for all to see!!
Posted by
10:17 AM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Jacob Hangin' Out In His Bouncer
Jacob just hanging out in his bouncer on a Saturday morning (3 weeks, 1 day old).
Posted by
8:08 AM
Counting Our Blessings!!
At lunch a couple of days ago, I took the opportunity to view The Tad Poles (pretty cute, eh? given dad's name, Tadd) to check in and see how the pregnancy and their lives were changing. I was baffled at what I was reading. It started off just not making sense to me and I quickly knew there was something big that I had missed... What happened in the week since I viewed last? What is this hospital talk all about? Did I really miss 19 weeks? After going back a few of their entries, I found that Hava (Tadd's wife) has been in the hospital since Friday (the 12th) and that the water broke for one of the twins, Loen at only 22 weeks pregnant. Needless to say, this is pretty serious and has Hava has been put on strict bedrest. The doctors are hoping Hava is able to keep the twins in the womb for at least another 31 days which will get them to 28 weeks, still 12 weeks early!! The outlook from the medical staff is "cautiously optimistic".
Amy, Jacob and I are counting our blessings that we did not need to endure any event(s) such as this. We also want convey our sincerest wishes of health and safety for Tadd, Hava and the twins for their success in being a cozy, happy and healthy family in the near future.
Please join us in keeping Tadd, Hava and the twins (Loen and Derby) in your thoughts and prayers through this delicate time so that we can keep them and the pregnancy healthy!!
Posted by
7:58 AM